(no subject)

Aug 12, 2009 12:42

I've been in a good mood lately.  I have things that I really need to get done (and haven't), but instead of getting weighed down by them and avoiding them, I've actually managed to take a little initiative and get to work on them!  And because of that, I'm feeling really good about myself!  (aren't I pathetic?)   I wasn't perfect though; after only 5 hours of hard work without going off and doing something else (VERY impressive for me), I stopped for the day.  I was working up until supper time, but then once I had eaten, I wanted to take a quick drive.  But then stressful things happened on the drive, so directly after returning home (to drop off the groceries- yes, a trip to the grocery store made me moody and stressful.  It happens), I went on a longer trip to calm myself down from the last trip.  I would have worked, but unfortunately at that point I had someone along for the ride who I made the mistake of venting to, and... the venting about the stressful trip reminded me of the other stress and problems and issues I had forgotten because of the need to focus on getting my work done.  So I vented about those things.  Which made me more stressed and upset.  Do you see where I'm going with this?  Either way, the day ends with me coming home in a not-so-great mood and totally stressed out, so much so that I vetoed any idea of getting back to my work, and sat down with some pie in front of the TV and didn't move for the next two hours.  And then I went to bed.  Also, the pie made me mad because it was freshly baked, normally a good thing, but not in this case because when I took the first piece and it completely collapsed, it just made everything ten times worse.  You know how these things work out.

So I blame myself for taking that short drive after supper.  If it wasn't for that, there is a good chance I could have gotten very close to finishing the project I had been working on that day.  Now I'm still only half way done.  And I will hate myself if I don't get it done today.  And I'm still procrastinating!  Gah~!

So yes, I've been in a good mood lately.  We're just going to ignore that last story because it was only one small episode of angst in a week and a half of happy.  :)  But I must say that after reliving it like that has made me stressed again.  So on to the things that have been making me happy:

1. My French, Chinese, and Japanese classes are starting soon!  I'm so excited!  I even got my Japanese textbook in the mail a few days ago.  I've been reading it in my spare time (haha. "spare time." that's all the time, baby!) so I will be prepared for class (and a step ahead of everyone else).  :D

2. I have recently signed up on Penpal World, an online site that connects you to people across the world.  It's pretty simple without many features, but it works for me because it's simple and legit.  Doesn't look shady.  I've made friends with 5 people, 3 of them I email often and really like, 2 of them I just became friends with so nothing's happened.  For some reason, ALL of them are Chinese.  That's fine, because I wanted friends from China, but I wanted friends from Japan, too.  I mean, I can actually speak and write Japanese somewhat unlike Chinese, but there haven't been any Japanese people that I know of who I can be friends with on the website!  Only Chinese people!  Which again is fine, but I really don't have any Chinese to practice, so...

3. Other things.  The excitement in the air, the feeling of a new start, the beginning of a new year (school-wise)... Just a bunch of things that have been adding to my good mood.  I recently found 2 great new songs that are very happy and inspiring which is helping, I have been re-watching an old favorite TV show from when I was younger that has been making me feel very happy and inspired, and I found a new show that gets me in a good mood whenever I watch it... do you see a pattern here?  Anyway, stuff like that.

I need to stop here, not only because I've run out of things to say and this is already too long, but because, and I repeat, I will absolutely hate myself if I don't finish that project by tonight.  Which means I really need to get to it.    ......

~Sigh~   I don't wanna.....  No!  Stop it!  Do it!    .......     If there's one way to make people think you've got a screw loose, it's arguing with yourself.

I think I should go now.
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