Big Bang

Sep 30, 2010 11:49

Below the cut you will find the recommended fanfics for Big Bang.

Dear readers, please remember to drop a line of thanks on any of the fics you happen to read :) Encourage those writers to continue doing what they do best. ♥


Title Tempus
Author aqueerpanic
Rating&Word Count R/4567
There were four seasons that existed: winter, spring, summer, and autumn. He was winter, born on the twentieth of December at midnight, life dull and colorless, empty and cold, like ice. He was Lee Seungri, the winter tempus of earth.
Recommended By summanaro
Optional Reason For Reccing Really interesting AU. Also one of those that tugs are your heart strings a bit. It's just really beautiful.

Title Masquerade
Author parodying
Rating&Word Count PG-13/1256
seungri laughs. seunghyun breaks. and jiyong pretends he doesn't see the facade.
Recommended By summanaro
Optional Reason For Reccing The inner battle between Seungri's real self and how he projects himself is really interesting and sort of beautifully heartbreaking.


Title Car-Crash Hearts
Author cranperryjuice
Rating&Word Count NC-17/11,087
a chronicle of g-dragon and top's earlier days.
Recommended By lovelyable
Optional Reason For Reccing Cream of the crop. The author has the not only the pairing dynamic down, but the dynamic of the whole group - of the whole of YG family. This is how I imagine them to interact on a daily basis. His language is straightforward and there is minimal use of what kpop ficdom calls "flowery language", but the writing is incredible and heart-wrenching. One of the best fics I've read.

Title Head Under Water
Author butterflyweb
Rating&Word Count R/3,667
Welcome to your death, Seunghyun thinks, shaky hands lighting cigarettes, and chain-smokes on the sidewalk as he tries to get his bearings.
Recommended By lovelyable
Optional Reason For Reccing Set in the verse from the movie Wristcutters: A Love Story. This author consistently turns out amazing fic, but this particular one is a favorite. The characters she's fleshed out for Jiyong and Seunghyun and the supporting cast are so interesting. Even though she's borrowed the premise from a movie, the dialogue is what really makes this piece for me, as well as her ability to make the world believable and entirely her own in so short a fic.


Title I Guess This is Growing Up
Author whetstone
Rating&Word Count PG/3,677
TOP needs an interpreter.
Recommended By lovelyable
Optional Reason For Reccing I really love the relationship the author created for the two Seunghyun's in this. I really like how she makes them close but still awkward, comfortable to be around each other for Seunghyun, but in Seungri's mind not comfortable enough. I also just really admire the flow of the fic, how the progression seems so natural and both of them so in character. It made me laugh a lot and it made me smile at the end, and it's a great friendship fic.


Title Drinking Games
Author last_imperatrix
Rating&Word Count PG-15/5017
Soju + Jiyong’s brain = Pretty much the greatest drinking game ever.
Recommended By summanaro
Optional Reason For Reccing I just love the way she describes what's going on and how the mood/setting feels. It's neither boring nor overly poetic, it's just good. The characterizations are also spot on.


Title The Big Bang Theory
Author crystallekil
Rating&Word Count NC-17/1889
"Are you sure you're up for this?" Jiyong asks Daesung, his voice uncharacteristically gentle like it alone could break him (again).
Recommended By summanaro
Optional Reason For Reccing It's an OT5 that's actually.. an OT5. Everyone plays a part. Also love the fact that it's a "sexual healing" fic.

archive: big bang

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