2008 Resolutions

Jan 01, 2008 23:01

My dedicated annual Highlights and New Year’s Resolutions update (my 7th year doing this now):

Highlights from 2007:
Seriously nothing significant happened in the first half of 2007. It was a social low being back at UCLA after having done EAP. I don’t really remember what went on besides being a junior living in Hedrick (sucked overall but the gossip group over sushi lunches was fun) and taking LSAT prep. On April 10th, my 21st birthday, it was rather lonely, except Lesley convinced me to go get Diddy Riese with her, so I discovered that I made at least one good friend among a sea of acquaintances while at UCLA (disclaimer: I had MUN retreat in Vegas the weekend before and co-celebrated with Nalini a few days later, so it wasn’t that depressing).

Summer was an eye-opener. I went up to San Francisco to do a general management internship with AT&T. Throughout college, I was debating between law, international relations, or consulting, but I think general management (a career that I previously neither knew about nor considered) is where I want to start my career; I signed to work full-time with AT&T in a general management capacity after I graduate. San Francisco, by the way, was really fun! Special thanks to: Norbert as my SF buddy, Gary as my Berkeley buddy, plus Vince and Caroline for being helpful friends at AT&T.

Fall quarter of senior year went by WAY too fast. I really need to control my senior year so that I enjoy it before my college experience is over. Besides the AT&T internship, the SF experience, and the full-time job offer, other 2007 highlights include: UNA-USA MUN 2007 in New York; taking LSAT prep; discovering the joy of reading for pleasure (hey I had free time over the summer!) and in effect becoming a better networker after reading “Never Eat Alone” (I highly recommend the book by the way); taking Chinese, Japanese, and Korean at the same time; enjoying apartment life with James and Tristan; events manager job at Anderson School; mentoring Katherine through ALD/PES; chairing World Economic Forum at UCLA MUN (my last time chairing as a college student!); having more fun; and getting Secretary-General for UNA-USA MUN 2008!

2007 Resolutions Evaluation:

1. Continue getting fit: Fail. I ate healthier and ate a little less, walked slightly more, but didn’t seriously exercise to the level that I need to be fit. I still need to develop the exercise lifestyle.

2. Get good grades/figure out my future: Pass. Grades… well, they don’t matter as much now, but I’ve maintained my GPA. As for figuring out my future, I definitely accomplished this seemingly most-daunting 2007 resolution! For those who are seeking employment, make sure you find what you’re passionate at and good at, and pursue your dream by marketing yourself right.

3. Find an internship: Pass. AT&T was a great internship. I think Excel also became my new best friend. For those seeking a summer internship, don’t overlook all the opportunities offered through UCLA; I found AT&T at an on-campus internship fair.

4. Get admitted to a top law school (optional): N/A. Law school is not in the picture as of right now. Plus I didn’t even take my LSAT after doing Blueprint prep.

5. Do a good job as a USG of UNAUSAMUN: Pass. Had a blast doing it too; it was a great experience and the team was fun to work with. I’m going to be in charge of the whole thing for this upcoming year!!

6. Be open to a relationship: Even. Actually this isn’t fair to evaluate, because my perspective on it has changed. When I first wrote this, my mindset was that of a college student, that we’d just see each other when school resumed. But now, the senior year mentality is totally different, because I’m going to graduate, and if I’m going to be invested in a serious relationship, the partner needs to understand that I’m going to be working full-time next year… and that I’m not sure where my office is going to be. So I think by default, I’m not as open to a relationship, although I have been more open to going out for fun. [Disclaimer: after talking to people over winter break, my perspective on this has changed; see 2008 goal]

7. Enjoy college and take advantage of its opportunities: Even. Didn’t really do much during winter and spring quarters. Took advantage of too many opportunities during fall quarter to the extent that college started to be a struggle (e.g. wake up at 6am every morning to do language HW or prep for language quiz!). I did take Korean and golf though, which were two specifics I had mentioned.

8. Be better to people: Pass. But more important, I think I’m developing the good networker mentality, which is I’m always out trying to help others when it’s possible. I’ve also discovered a passion for mentoring others.

2008 Resolutions:

1. Succeed on 1st job: First jobs are always tough (learning curve, manage your career, etc.), and it’s even tougher if you’re a manager! Make sure I continue to network, cultivate mentors, learn as much as possible, be super effective (a la “4 Hour Workweek”) and achieve results. Success is defined as accomplishing enough at the LDP level and positioning myself as a top MBA candidate.

2. Travel Europe: I haven’t been and really want to go, not just because it’s a college graduate tradition, but because I want to (and have been saving money for it!) haha.

3. Love Boat in Taiwan, Beijing Olympics, or travel Southeast Asia: I’d like to do at least one of these in addition to Europe. Any of them should be fun and I would get my Asia fix.

4. Learn to cook & eat healthy: Yes this is necessary. By eating healthy, I also mean getting enough nutrition, because I eat relatively healthy already. I want to be able to cook good enough that I can host dinner parties.

5: Exercise habit: Works in tandem with #4. I need to get fit. And I need to conquer this goal cuz it seems to be on my list every year!

6. Ladies: when I first brainstormed this, I knew apathy wasn’t an option (as it had sometimes been during my college years), but I wasn’t sure how to approach this goal because of graduation. After some good talk over winter break, I’m going to be proactive on this and won’t hold back because of graduation; if there’s something special, then we’ll work it out.

7. Expand music tastes (Asian pop): First, I didn’t know any of the ‘white’ songs that Matt played on our way to Vegas, second, I’m eventually going to get too old for clubbing music haha (I mostly listen to hip hop and R&B), third, it’s about time I add a cultural development goal to my list, and finally, I need to be culturally in-tune with all my friends in my language classes or my fobbier friends. My priority is to pick up Asian pop music (Mandarin, Korean, Japanese, Cantonese) first, and then maybe ‘white’ music. After taking ethnomusicology class, I’ve also developed a mild interest in that.

8. Dress nicer: Just because it’s finally time that I stop lying to myself that t-shirt and jeans/shorts is good enough. I don’t have to be fashionable; I just have to look nice (a little above “presentable”). This is also partially motivated by: college graduation, need to look nicer to ladies, and need to look more professional and mature as a manager.

9. Automate cashflow or run a side business: Inspired by “4-Hour Workweek.” Even if I can’t figure how to automate cashflow, I would still do something more traditional on the side… not exactly sure what that’d be, but possibly college admissions consulting or an import business.

10. Enjoy my last year of MUN: Can’t believe my eight-year MUN career is coming to a close. I’ll be going to UBC and Harvard with the travel team. I’m Secretary-General for the UCLA College Conference and for UNA-USA MUN. And I may go to World MUN in Mexico. That’s a pretty exciting lineup. I think I’ll still be involved with MUN in some capacity after I graduate, maybe as a consultant for UNA-USA or as a high school coach (or maybe even chair a random conference), but this is it as far as being an intense student delegate, chair, and secretariat go.

11. Continue building my network: First, try to develop as many solid relationships as possible while I’m still at UCLA. Continue mentoring others, officially (ALD/PES, SEACLEAR, Alumni Scholars) and unofficially. Take more initiative with my own mentors. Reach out beyond my comfort zones, and reconnect with old buddies. Be proactive whenever and wherever I am, especially after I leave the college environment.

A little longer list of resolutions than usual, but I think it’s because it’s a big transition year in my life and I need to make sure I cover both bases. Here’s to enjoying the rest of college and entering the real world! Have a great 2008! And good luck to all those who will be graduating this year!
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