Oct 27, 2005 15:05
So long time no... Talk.ha
Recently due to the weather that has been quite shitay I have been depressed... no not depressed I just dont want to get up in the morning or do anything really. But today is different. Catherine is home and I am going to the Sens Game!!!
I have been having such an awesome day. I have gotten so much done today.
-Picked up catherine
-baught my train ticket for montreal next weekend.. woot woot!
-dropped off my time sheet to wilson
-got a passport picture (and it looks horrid might I add)
-got my banking done
-Going to see my grandparents once I finish this
-Going to the sens game with Dad!!!!!!! SO EXCITED
-then the big H.U.L.L .... and ALL should come!
(looking forward to a long working week then le moreal!)
and I know it isn't spelt like that in french but that is how it sounds so beat it!