Title: What you see, can't be clear.
Verse: 616 Verse
Characters/Pairing: Jubilee
Prompt: Mirror
Word Count: 174
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine obviously.
Mirrors were strange things. You could look inside and see nothing, but blurs and colors and strange shapes that were brought into sharp focus. Lines that made up curves and curves that made hard edges. Jubilee glanced at the mirror for what felt like the millionth time. A random day of not a thing to do. No villains, no fights, and the others seemed bored as well. So she decided to watch everyone as they went by. Images reflected in the mirror.
Emma always stopped, and stared to make sure she looked as good as she thought she did. This was, like, always. The mirror showed perfection and knowledge that she shouldn’t have. With Jono it showed depression and hope and a fire that never went out.
She moved after Paige went by (longing and family and determination in the girls eyes) to look at herself. How can a person be a kid, an adult, and lost at the same time? Course the mirror didn’t bother explaining it. It just showed what you needed to see.