Drabble: Game War

Sep 22, 2006 15:16

Title: Game War
Verse: 616 Verse
Characters/Pairing: Jubilee, Iceman
Prompt: Watch
Word Count: 178
Rating: PG

Disclaimer: Not mine.

"Damn it, Drake. It's my turn!" She tugged at the man's arm impatiently watching the screen. "You've been playing for hours."
"I didn't die yet. You get a turn when I die."
"You died two hours ago, and still didn't gimme a turn. Now hand it over." A tug at the control and a whine from Bobby. Soon turned into a tug of war with the playstation caught in the middle. So much for fair play in a video game 'tournament'. Maybe they should have asked someone to ref. The people in the game were walking back and forth across the screen once in a while pausing, when no fingers were smashing a button, to glare at the people outside of they're world.
"Nonono! You killed me!" The controller was tugged one more time in Bobby's direction before freezing then breaking in half. At the sound of laughter they both lifted they're heads realizing they'd had an audience the entire time. Beast was doubled over with laughter in the doorway while Jean gave them a stern look. "Oops?"

darbbles x_men100

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