Jan 23, 2011 17:09
I was absolutely desperate for these holidays to begin. Now I am just desperate for them to END!
There are a bunch of bleeding hearts out there (in internet land who are on parenting forums and try to pretend they are the most perfect set of parents who never do a thing wrong whose children are fed organic oats every morning and the sun shines out of their backsides) who delight in pouncing on anyone who dares say they are ready for the kids to go back to school or can't wait etc.
"Don't you want to spend time with your children - you MONSTER!"
"How must your poor children feel, the cherubs, that you don't want to be with them! I know that *I* would love your child as they should be loved!"
"I know, how disgusting are these people? Why have kids if you don't even want to spend time with them?"
I often wonder if away from the computer, where they can pretend they are perfect organic parents who never plonk the kid in front of the TV, they too are ignoring the latest in a long line of inane chatter from a 7yo, or looking forward to the 9 and 10 year olds getting out of each other's hair by forcible separation at school rather than fifty seven time outs in one day. I wonder if they too, away from the peer pressure of saying how much they adore their child's company can admit that their kid is no more perfect than mine are and that going back to school isn't such a bad thing.
Or this could all just be me and everyone else loves having little people without an off switch in their face 24/7. Yeah sure, I like my kids well enough and they have their pretty cool moments but much like their father - I tend to get along with them better when we don't see each other every freaking waking minute.
I'm sure there are days when I'd even tell you that my kids are all kinds of wonderful or some such schmaltzy crap like that.
Today - I just haven't got it in me. They are annoying, loud and demanding. They whine and whinge and get violent. They are NOSY ugh I am sick of having someone there LOOKING at every thing I do. I haven't felt so spied on since I wasn't allowed to go to the toilet by myself. Actually ... I feel like I can't go to the toilet by myself ... where am I? All the time - where is mum!
I'm completely over the school holidays. I want them to go away and leave me alone. I want them to get up in the morning and do more than sit in their pyjamas, make a mess and eat too much food. And I don't want to be labelled the worst mother in the world for thinking so!
Also ...
I'm trying to be patient, I really am - but why haven't they called *ME*? I know my name has been put in by two principals.
One by one all my colleagues are posting their joyful job news ... another one Friday on FB ...
I am happy for them, I really am.
But I just want them to call ME! I want to know if I have the job I've been put in for (or indeed another random job). It's getting really hard to be patient. Technically I should start work in like a week. I'm nervous, jumpy and anxious and *knowing* it would be like this is nothing on the reality of waiting for your appointment!
I carry my phone and check it constantly for texts, emails and missed calls - even though I have it constantly on and switched to the really super louder than loud ring tone. I jump every time it jangles and it's always something like 'Random posted on your wall' and they want a Frontierville sink or something.
journal entry