Hetalia-Sims on holiday!

Dec 27, 2009 13:19

So, like I may have mentioned, I got the Bon Voyage and FreeTime EPs installed. So I thought I'd send one of my Hetalia households on a weekend break to try it out!

The commentary is dreadful, like I said, I only sent them on holiday to test my new expansion packs so there's no actual storyline here. Then again, when is there? Also, even though in the last Hetalia post I used their country names, I'm using the character names this time round.

Rating: PG-13?
Characters: Feliciano, Lovino, Ludwig, Kiku
Warnings: Crappy commentary, creepy massueses, picture-heavy.
Disclaimer: I don't Hetalia, or EA/Maxis.

They all have identical suitcases. I wouldn’t be surprised if this caused confusion later on. (“Hold on! I don’t wear speedos!”)

And in not much longer than a minute, they’re at their hotel! (I sure wish journeys to holiday destinations were that quick irl)

Instead of actually going out and doing touristy things, for the entire first day they just relaxed at the hotel.

First thing being…

Admit it, you liked the sauna fanservice. ;D

Some random guy is checking out Lovino’s… erm… leg… as he waits for dinner. D:

But anyway, while the others sample the foreign delicacies…

Ludwig is being boring and ordering room service.

It may not look it, but this restaurant is so posh it even serves lunch meat sandwiches as though they were some sort of £500 gourmet stuff you get in fancy formalwear restaurants.

What exactly is that secret lunchmeat anyway? Answers on a postcard please.

Then again, Kiku isn’t being that interesting either. Just sat in his hotel room watching films about cats.

“You’ve just been eating on my desk, you’ve made my homework smell like pineapple. I hope you’re happy”

You’ve barely been here 5 minutes!

And just because the family kiss option is too adorable.

“You taste like pineapple…”

Kiku finally decides to adventure out of his hotel room for a massage.
And the masseuse in question kind of scares me.

He looks like he’s about to do inappropriate things to the poor personified country, let alone just massaging him. D:

Luckily he’s only placing stones on his back in neat little rows.

“The secret to super-soft skin like mine is cherry blossom extract”


You’d think with everyone having their own hotel rooms no-one would be rudely awakened right?


“What the f*** do you think you’re doing?!”
“Well, you see there’s a documentary about fish, you see, I don’t really like fish but I love documentaries about them, so I thought I’d borrow your TV and…”

“I don’t see any fish, just mountains! You had me fooled there, Kiku”

Still, now everyone’s up, time for our first trip!

On a beach!

I wanted to recreate the “On an island” scenes but didn’t even realise the campire until it was already daylight. DX

“Can I try that?”


“Where is it? Where is it?”

Should I be worried?


“Ludwig’s learning to fire-dance? Oh boy, I’m not missing this.” :’D

He finally did it! *Applause*

Feli builds a sandcastle…

Which is eventually destroyed by Ludwig.

“Those shorts look just lovely on you… really flatter your abs”

And back at the hotel…



Lovino’s first holiday photo is…

The hotel pool…

More fanservice! This time hot spring!

“It feels wet… almost like that feeling you get when you’re in the rain…”

Well, duh.

And again, Ludwig is left on his own.

What’s with that guy and everyone ditching him? Poor thing.


Well, time to make two last trips before going home.

First stop, a pile of ruins!

Ludwig lightens up a bit and offers to take a photo of everyone.

And Lovino buys souvenirs.

The ruins are kind of boring, not much to do around here. To the pirate ship!

Everybody guess what Feliciano might have done to be told to walk the plank!


Raise the jolly Rodger!

Ludwig brutally threatens a pirate made from fabric. It’s a start I guess…


What kind of buried treasure is that? That’s something you find in a museum, not under a load of sand near a pirate ship!

Now that’s more like it! :D

Now for some sunbathing!

He’s got a tan!

So has Kiku!

And Lovino!

In fact, everyone’s developed a tan!

Except Ludwig.

Don’t worry, I’m pale and interesting too. 
Well, maybe not interesting

And so, they went back to the hotel, and checked out.

I know what you’re thinking. Admit it, they’re cute together.

But in all truth…

“Hey, congratulations on living with me!”

And an abrupt ending here.

Yeah, crap commentary, I know. But still, hope you liked those little photos. The commentary no… pictures yes.

sims 2, axis powers hetalia

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