Jul 08, 2007 12:54
when i grow up i want to live on sno-cone lane. all the houses will be pink, every year will be 1953, and there will be a giraffe in every driveway.
i'm going to invent a giraffe saddle, and it will revolutionize the world!
all the trees will be different sizes, and there will be so many they will blot out the sky. there will be trees that extend miiiiiles upward and there will be trees that are the perfect height for giraffe food. i'm going to name my giraffe Sally.
on sno-cone lane, there will be lots of manholes in the street, but they won't have covers. and they won't lead to sewers, they'll lead to underground rivers. the perfect cold temperature on hot days, with tree lined cobblestone streets on either side.
you'll climb down the traditional metal ladder, rung by rung, and jump off onto cobble stones!
it'll be brilliant, and in the winter, the cobble stones will be covered in snow, but no one will ever slip and fall, and the all the trees will be wrapped in christmas lights. the water will be heated when it's cold out.
it's winter on sno-cone lane. the sky is grey and cloudy, and it's raining outside. it's on the border between autumn and winter, and the tv is playing black&white, with a knob to change the channel. it's 1953, and we're eating tv dinner out of little trays. i have the soft white blanket over my lap, and my dad keeps telling me not to spill on it. there is red jell-o for dessert, and my dad will probably take away the blanket when i start eating that. my parents think i am messy. adults think everyone with freckles and tousled hair is messy, but they're the ones who cut my hair this way.
i have kicked my parents out of sno-cone lane. now i live there nearly alone, just me and Sally. Sally and i go for walks together every night, and i ride on her back with my saddle. sometimes she stops to eat some leaves, when she gets hungry, and i tilt my head back and start counting the stars. one. two. three. four. five. six...she starts moving again, and i go back to watching through the lit windows as we tromp slowly down the street. all of the other kids are eating tv dinners with their families, watching black&white television, and i am out in the street, where the air smells like campfires and candy canes, my two favorite smells. i am just tromping along with Sally, and i pat her neck. it's soft, and i run my hand over her yellow fur a couple of times. she likes it when i pat her neck. i didn't kick my parents out, they just were never here.
we just installed street lamps in sno-cone lane. it was a very big deal. we all picked them out together, there was a town meeting and i presided over it. i had a gavel. everyone would get really excited about the kind of lamp they wanted, or how much they didn't like the kind of lamp someone else wanted, and they would start standing up and shouting at people. i stood behind a lecturn and hit the lecturn with the gavel, and said "settle down!"
and then everyone would be quiet.
we finally decided on old fashioned ones, the kind that have candles in them. now we get to hire someone to take care of the candles. i picked out a hat for him to wear, and a uniform. i think i want it to be a man named Stan.
in other news,
"I will choose what enters me, what becomes
of my flesh. Without choice, no politics,
no ethics lives. I am not your cornfield,
not your uranium mine, not your calf
for fattening, not your cow for milking.
You may not use me as your factory.
Priests and legislators do not hold shares
in my womb or my mind.
This is my body. If I give it to you
I want it back. My life
is a non-negotiable demand."
-Marge Piercy.
i feel owned by everyone who isn't me.
i would like some shares in myself.
i would like some love.
in other other news,
i hate everything i write.
i can't write.
i have not written.