
Jul 03, 2007 21:56

Supernatural Season Two Finale Aired Last Night
And it was damn awesome and all that jazz
But it was kind of jaded because the whole time I kept thinking "After this, it'll be up to six months til Season Three shows on telly"
And can I just say, that is not a happy thought.

After "All Hell Breaks Loose" (Part One), I was kind of left hanging from a limb, with my poor Sammy stabbed. And Dead. Of course i knew he'd be back by the end of the next episode. Turns out he was 'brought back to life' pretty much at the beginning of Part Two! And i didn't realise that Dean was going to make such a horrid deal, or at least, not like that. I thought he would make some kind of deal with the YED possibly... but Dean the smarty went to the crossroads and made a deal with a different demon. This hadn't ever occured to me but it makes sense, it was something that had earlier investigated in "Crossroad Blues". I can't believe that Dean only got ONE year! I mean, TEN years would have been bad enough, but how is Sammy gonna cope knowing is brother isn't gonna be visiting Hell in only one year. Season Three sure will be interesting.

That brings me to the main reason I'm feeling down. Season Three is a long way off! From what i know, people in the U.S. have a 4/5 month hiatus until the new season, as it usually shows at the end of September and I'm guessing it will again this year sometime around then. But us poor little people here in Aus are probably going to have to wait til the end of Jan or sometime in February. Do the maths people, that equals 6-7 months! It sucks that we are so far behind! Though the U.S. had that stupid mid-season break didn't they? We had a months break as well (if Channel Ten do that again next year i will scream!).

Luckily though, Season One will be arriving in the mail any time now. (They said two weeks, which means this Friday) Of Course it most likely won't be early, in fact, it'll prolly be extremely late! So i guess i will just throw myself into watching Season One, and the episodes of Season Two i have taped (11,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22). And then in October I will get Season Two =]  I've also been planning to start a Supernatural Scrapbook, with info about everything to do with the show - all the episodes and stuff. (My mate Dani has a Green Day book, so I thought it was only fitting that I start a book about the thing I am most obsessed about)! But after paying for Season One I've been broke for awhile, so I still can't afford the thick book I want. (It has a binder, and the holes to put in a bigger binder folder, and its like a 3 subject book, so that means it is like 200 or 300 pages) So yes. Without my Monday Night Supernatural Watching Ritual, I will jut throw myself into this book, get my creative juices flowing, find heaps of info. =D I'm getting excited thinking about it! *g* And once Season One turns up I'm having a huge marathon. Planning to watch it in one go! (I think it equates to 16 hours) so like maybe 5pm - 9am. MWAHAHAHA! I should be able to stay awake but I have a feeling most of the people I am gonna invite will either fall asleep or get extremely bored and pass out. I'm gonna have to stock up on junk and plenty of V to keep me going! ^_^

Alrighty Well I juts wanted to write down all the thoughts in my head, just say most of it in one bunch of writing. I've pretty much told everyone I know this already lol so yeah.

But god. 6 months is so long *sigh* Atm i have [1,988] spn pics! Wowee! Probably reach 2000 tonight, if not tomorrow! By the time Season Three is on TV I will probably have soo many more. Tehehehe!

Okay I am off now, watching the finale again while my bro watches it! ^^ Sam just came back *phew* I was so devastated for the week after part one, i felt heartbroken all week.

Well Nobody actually read this, but maybe one day in a long time one of my friends might have lj, and see this. Hehehe. Hi to any stranger as well =] Lol it's quite fun talking to myself :p



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