LOST: "Every Man for Himself" randomness..

Oct 25, 2006 23:31

So before I go and read everyone else's thoughts on the episode of doom, I thought I'd share my crazy ass thoughts on the episode...I actually sat down with a notepad to watch the show, because I was sure something horrific was going to happen and I wanted to write down my first  reaction right away...don't ask, I've been strange all damn day. *shrugs*

This might be a little too loopy for others to read, some of this is just thought fragments....

~ "Been on this rock long enough to know they ain't shooting each other...score one for our team." Of course he's smiling you dumbass....why aren't you excited Kate, your side is coming for you.

~ Sawyer was in PRISON!! How did he get caught??? For money cons or something else??

~ Jason? "The sternum...like in the movie."  WTF? is this suddenly 'Pulp Fiction'?? Ooh..I bet Quentin Tarantino likes this show. *giggles*

~ OMG! Jack is listening to the torture session...those BASTARDS!

~ A pacemaker?  WTF?!? Why?....oh that's why.

~ Sawyer can't be sexy conman doinky doink the all the chicks if he can't even look at Kate half dressed...

~ Is Kate stupid? Sawyer suddenly has a watch that's beeping like crazy and he told her to put clothes ON! Hello why isn't that ringing any bells?

~ CASSIDY!!! He has a baby girl!! Awww..Clementine...hey didn't he sing 'My darling Clementine' once? or am I imagining that? Sawyer having a kid kinda makes me look at those raft/debris scenes with Michael in a whole new light.

~ Jack automatically scrubbed in...he's a doctor first...makes me wonder.... Ok, so Cole/Colleen is Picket's wife, then why was she kinda giving Ben the "eye" that one episode and why does Juliet not like her??

~ Kate's whole "Yes, I love him!" That's NOT choosing Sawyer, that's protecting Sawyer..

~ Okay, weird thought here...if Kate "hooks up" with someone, it can't be Sawyer I mean hell he can't even see her naked back without his pulse rate racing towards 140 ...Pacemaker my ass...so it's gonna be Jack then? Oh wait! maybe it's gonna be FLASHBACK S-E-X!!! That'll kill all the Skaters and Jaters. *giggles*

~ "If you really love me then go..." "I only said that so he'd stop hitting you." Awww....poor Sawyer, he gets tortured, then beaten some more...then you finally decide to climb outta the cage,and then you tell the poor guy you don't love him.. Give him some love already! Hell, I'm not even into Kate being with either guy, but that was mean....

~ Oh shit, she climbed back in and then quoted Jack "Live together...Die Alone"...

~ Juliette is a fertility doctor? Why do we care?

~ Whose X-ray...40 year old male...tumor on his L4....

~ What the hell is Desmond making?

~ WOW...Paolo is kinda hot in a snarky way, but he's still no Sawyer. *giggles*

~ Desmond SAVED Aaron!! good psychic Scotsman...

~ OMG!! I knew he was conning that guy...but working for the government?? Clementine Philips...Albequreque, New Mexico....wait a sec, isn't that where Kate robbed the bank???

~ There's NO pacemaker! Sonofabitch,  they could've gotten free....

~ Ben has the tumor doesn't he??? Look how he suddenly looks really weak...

~ There is TWO different islands!! Shit.

~ Y'know that quote from 'Of Mice and Men' was kinda creepy at the end....poor Sawyer...

~ Okay, I think LOST might be getting back on track....just in time for hiatus. DAMN IT!! Oh well at least I'll have Supernatural to keep me company until Feb. 7th....

So is anyone other than myself watching "The Nine"?? I think it's pretty good, what do you guys think???

Well, I'm off to catch up on my flist....wish me luck.

squee!, lost

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