Supernatural 5x02: review thingie

Sep 18, 2009 11:53

Hello, I'm back from volunteering today so let's get to the goodies.

Ummm....actually before I get to the Supernatural stuff let me just say that I've watched the first two episodes of 'the Vampire Diaries' and well....I kinda like it, but I'm a little annoyed by just about all of the acting in it as well. I personally think if my son was asleep by 8pm I'd watch 'Bones' but since he's usually awake until 8:30ish I'm going to stick with 'the Vampire Diaries' 'cause it's doesn't scare him. OH!! and I think it's hilarious that the hardcore 'Twilight' fans are up in arms over the show 'ripping off' Twilight 'cause if last night's Stefan & Elena 'Wuthering Heights' conversation was originally in the 'the Vampire Diaries' books, then Stephenie Meyer totally ripped off that author and not the other way around. *lol* Don't yell at me though! 'Cause I actually....well....I like the Twilight books and the movie. *facepalm*

Ok, enough with all that crap let's move onto some so so much better...

SUPERNATUAL 5x02 - "Good God, Y'all":
  • Whoa look at the rib x-rays!! That's freakin' cool as hell!! Well, umm..y'all know what I mean. ;)
  • "Enough foreplay!" - Bobby to Castiel and the boys...damn I love Bobby
  • GOD!! "I'm going to find God" - Castiel to everyone (personally I think he should check the Jersey shore and the skeeball games...think they could get Kevin Smith or Jason Mewes to guest star at least once this season? *smirks*)
  • "I did it all for you" - Castiel to Dean and the D/C shippers freak out...and so did I kinda. *hides*
  • Dean's amulet!!!! NO FUCKING WAY!!! DUUUUDE!
  • "it burns hot in God's presence" - Castiel  "like God EMF?" - Sam
  • Rufus!
  • oh look demons have invaded (River Pass) Colorado!! HEE!HEE! (for those of you that don't know, that's where my ex is from...not the town, but the state.  :) )
  • I LOVE the fucking music tonight!! Looks like they got some of their music budget back...finally.
  • ELLEN!!
  • Aww and a least for Dean, look at how she's looking at Sam. OH! and a slap too. Hee!
  • I know him! The one who's wife went after him with a brick....Roger.
  • The knife wounds didn't light up...are they NOT demons? 'Cause shouldn't they have lit up??
  • Poor Sam, just look at his face....and now look at Dean's. *sighs*
  • Soldier boy is kinda hot/cute...anyone know who he is?
  • Is Ellen really Ellen? She's acting a bit different, then again we haven't really seen her in forever. *shrgus*
  • demon!Jo!!!
  • Wait what? "Give me my Mom back you black eyed bitch" umm....
  • Oh shit, she left Sam and now Rufus smashed him upside the head.
  • It's that on husband!!! the one I 'know' who's wife went after him...of course!
  • It's one of the FOUR HORSEMEN!!!
  • DUUUUUUUDE....he's 'War'
  • Wow, his delivery of those lines was awesome just now...
  • the return on the puppydog eyes...hi Sammy
  • I kinda like 'War' is that horrible?
  • Oh shit!!
  • You know Dean's kinda hot with demon eyes...just sayin'. *snorts*
  • FUCKIN' A MAN!!!
  • that wa the most WHOA inducing 7 minutes
  • Mt. Doom...hee! I sorta love that Dean gives the shout out to LoTR and not Sammy who's probably read the books. ;)
  • "I don't trust me either" - Sam
  •  It's a Sam chick flick heart-to-heart
  • ummm...
  • "You wanna take the Impala?" - Dean to Sam
  • I'm sorry what? Did Dean seriously just offer Sammy the Impala?? Holy fuck. *speechless*
  • and now they've 'broken up' and Sam's getting into a camper truck with some random creepy guy...
  • and there's Dean staring off into the sunset face

  • Holy fuck this season is awesome
  • I'm hurting for Bobby, but at the same time I'm really loving how he's reacting to everything and I'm really anxious to see how this all plays out....
  • Castiel...well, I've always liked him but I really really love his attitude and just his presence this yay Castiel.
  • I'm actually really stoked that it's getting all 'biblical' on us and I'm loving the 'Supernatural' interpretation/spin on things
  • I think Sam and Dean actually need the break apart...knowing that each other are actually alive and 'ok'...I'm sure that they'll come back together after Sam figures out that he can trust himself and then regains Dean's trust and they'll kick major Apocalyptic ass


Big enough gap?? Ok then...

  • Cas & Dean are what hunting together? Shit people are either gonna love it or hate it.
  • JESS!!!!!
  • OH SHIT! is it like a Mary & John 'ghost' type thing or is she gonna be evil somehow..
  • Half Naked Sam with TATTOO showing!! *GUH*
  • Fuck it's Lucifer too!
  • Oh oh oh!! Is Lucifer going to inhabit Jessica so he can talk to Sam like he did with Nick last week??? Oh man....
  • Is it next Thursday yet??
Oh man...can y'all tell that I really like this show?

Be back later.

supernatural, jared padalecki, winchesters, squee!, i guess i'm a silly fangirl, lj-land, controversy?, finally!!, way to raise the bar padalecki!, you rock \m/, fandom things, recap, spoilers!!, rambles, kripke, *stunned*, the boys, misha misha misha!!, eeeekkkkkk!!, jensen ackles

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