Headers for Wen and Carina :)

Jan 18, 2008 23:59

Hey girls, these headers go along with a few of the icons that I posted for you guys over here...

neroli66, I hope you like these ones of Rachel....I'll try to figure out a JDM/CMM one for you if you still want me too...

clicky click for the bendy chick )

graphics, header sets, you want something??, requests, squee!, lj-land, flist love

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keyweegirlie January 20 2008, 00:25:08 UTC
First of all....I totally didn't see this:Forgot to say, in my excitement, but why would I want stinky boy headers when I have RACHEL? *giggles*
Especially since they are being meanie heads to you and not co-operating. ;-)...*giggles* but YAY! Damn stinky boys!




neroli66 January 20 2008, 01:45:49 UTC
Someday the boys will learn not to be stinky...maybe...

Well, I'm sure Jeff will, not so sure about Chad. Maybe I shouldn't let Jeff play with him so much, I think Chad is rubbing off on him. *giggles*

PURDY, purdy Rachel though...*pets header*



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