First of all Happy Winchester Day!! I'm super stoked about tonight's episode, mainly 'cause I was spoiled by some episode stills that made their way around LJ last month. *lol* Oh and speaking of SPOILERS, Jared did an
interview with careful 'cause it's FULL of spoilers.
Since it's Winchester Day, I'm going to try to finish my 'Sin City' icons and get them posted today, but they might be a tad bit late because I was preoccupied making Andy's Halloween costume this week...which in my opinion is perfectly acceptable, especially since he was adorable. :)
Also, what's with me and 'Dean's dead so it's time for Sam to angst' fics lately? Here's another brilliant one that everyone should read...Warning though, make sure to have kleenex handy, I'm still wiping away tears.
The Ashen Apple of These DaysAuthor:
embroideramaPairings: none (gen)
Rating: R
Warnings: Character deaths
Spoilers: through 3x01
Word Count: 3,521
Summary: In the years after Dean's death, everything goes to Hell for Sam and the other hunters.
My thoughts: Amazing, painful, powerful...sad...just read it.
Ok, I'm off to bed now since it's...holy shit 4:40ish in the morning. *facepalm*