rpf_big_bang '10: artwork for 'Big Fluffy Rainbows' by engel82

Oct 11, 2010 01:08

So the fabulous Engel82 kept randomly sending me snippets of a story and just plain teasing me like crazy with this story idea that she had and I really loved the idea and what she was planning for the ending and it was just all too good to be true so I just knew there was going to be some 'catch'. Guess what, there of course was a catch, Engel82 decided that she was going to write this epic story for rpf_big_bang and she wanted me to do the art for her. I don't think we'd even posted our spn_j2_bigbang fic/art yet and I thought she was crazy for wanting to do yet another one so soon. Thankfully though all random emails & crazy twitter DMs that she subjected me to changed my mind and I started working on something for her (I was only going to do just one piece, but we all know me...that totally didn't happen).

Anyways, Engel82 is actually here visiting me and she's sitting right behind me watching what I'm doing so I'm going to shut up and stop rambling and get on with sharing the story summary with you guys and the graphics that I did for it. (hopefully there will be less wank surrounding rpf_big_bang than there was with the last big bang I was part of over the summer):

Jensen is the the right hand man in the 12th Ruby Crew street gang. Jared is FBI sent to investigate Agent Michael Rosenbeaum’s death and take Kripke down. Shit happens. Especially at the end.

~ Fic Post: Big Fluffy Rainbows: that's what happens when a tornado meets a volcano ~
~ Author: engel82 ~ Artist: keyweegirlie ~

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**click the pics below to see the images in FULL SIZE**:story banners::story banners:

:story banners::story banners:

:story banners::story banners:






| andreas-ri | LOST media | yahoo! image searches |

Hopefully you'll like my graphics enough to go and check out the story because it's awesome and most likely completely unexpected and I'm all kinds of in love with it. Also, if you wanna snag anything, go ahead...just please remember to credit me.

So what are you waiting for? GO READ 'Big Fluffy Rainbows: that's what happens when a tornado meets a volcano' and leave engel82 a comment about how much you love it too.


soundtrack covers, wallpapers, banners, manips, actors: jensen ackles, actresses: danneel harris, actresses: katie cassidy, actors: jared padalecki, boys & girls, actors: random, bigbang artwork, icons

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