spn_reversebang 2010 artwork: 'And Who by Fire'

Nov 01, 2010 10:25

I've enjoyed all the big bangs and crossover bangs that I've done the last few years, but I wanted to try something a bit different....so I signed up for spn_reversebang . Reverse bang is just what it sounds like, my art/graphics come FIRST and then someone writes a story based off of my original graphics and story prompt.

It was really exciting to just have free range to do whatever I wanted to do...I ended up submitting 3 different prompts all completely different from each other and I'm super anxious to get everything posted so everyone can see. First up is the prompt that I've lovingly began to call 'demon!chesters'...I haven't read the story that my original piece/prompt inspired yet due to a scheduling mix up but I'm sure that once it's posted it'll be fabulous. Until then, check out my graphics.
:original story prompt: "Sam always wanted to have a normal teenage life...too bad 'normal' isn't a word his family knows. Then again, they're not quite human either."

'Winchesters & Flames'
**click for full size**

~ Fic Post: And Who by Fire (link has been ADDED!) ~ Author: lotrabc ~ Artist: keyweegirlie ~



:story banners:
**click for full size**12


| andreas_ri |
| also random screencaps that I've had for a long time |

Hopefully you'll like my graphics enough to go and check out the story when it's posted...truthfully I'm super anxious to read it myself. (I'll add the link to it just as soon as the author posts/sends me a link) GO READ HERE. Also, if you wanna snag anything, go ahead...just please remember to credit me.


banners, manips, actors: jeffrey dean morgan, tv shows: supernatural, actors: jensen ackles, actors: jared padalecki, bigbang artwork, icons

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