3. [Video]

Jun 14, 2011 18:48

[The feed of the PCD suddenly clicks on to show a very sad-looking Sora sitting in his and Riku's bed. Given the situation he should be at least a bit happy because one of his best friends went home and wasn't stuck in Adstringendum anymore, but he couldn't help it. He was a little bit selfish and wanted all of his friends here, not just some of ( Read more... )

sora misses you, !video, sad sora, destiny islands ahoy, come back kairi, kairi went home, kairi left

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[Offline] reflectivedawn June 14 2011, 23:05:26 UTC
[He waits until the other is done recording the video before coming to sit down next to him. He had been through this before, both with Kairi and Sora, but this time was so much more painful than the first. Kairi had been there for him when Sora hadn't been, and they had grown closer because of it.

And now she was gone. She would go home and realize that when he told her he and Sora were never coming home he actually meant it.

His own sadness would wait until later, when he was alone. No one was ever allowed to see him falter. Not even Sora.]

She's better off there.


[Offline] keytothekindgom June 14 2011, 23:38:30 UTC
I know.

[Really, he did know. It was better that Kairi was back home safe and sound, but still...Sora wanted her here. He wanted it to be the three of them, the three musketeers together again. Riku was right, though. This was for the best, even if it brought sadness upon Sora. Kairi was safe and that was all that mattered.]

I just miss her already.


[Offline] reflectivedawn June 14 2011, 23:45:28 UTC
I know. I miss her too.

[But he also knew that there was nothing that they could do. They couldn't bring Kairi back. No matter how hard they tried, nothing would magically bring her back.]

I'm sorry, Sora.


[Offline] keytothekindgom June 16 2011, 02:32:26 UTC
It's okay.

[Really, it was. He was upset about it, that was for sure, but he knew it was for the best. He wanted her to be here, but she was home where she was supposed to be. He and Riku weren't even supposed to be here.]

She's home, back on the islands. She's...she's okay.

[And he lets out a shaky breath, resting his head against Riku's arm.]

It just stinks.


[Offline] reflectivedawn June 16 2011, 02:36:42 UTC
[He took a deep breath, moving his arm from beneath the other's weight, wrapping it around his shoulders and drawing him in closer.]

We'll see her again.

[He had wished for Sora and it had worked. Maybe if they both wished for Kairi it would work again.]

It just... might take a while.


[Offline] keytothekindgom June 16 2011, 02:56:50 UTC
[Now Riku was holding him and already everything was starting to feel at least a little bit better.]

That's okay.

[He leans into the other, moving so that he was sitting in his lap. Sora then wraps his arms around Riku's shoulders and pulls himself in for a hug.]

As long as we see her again, that's all that matters.

[And they would see each other again. Their destinies were intertwined.]

At least you're still here.


[Offline] reflectivedawn June 16 2011, 03:08:04 UTC
[He tried to smile as the other repositioned himself, coming to rest on his lap instead of by his side. His arms wrapped around the smaller body, pulling him into the warmth of his own, sighing as he buried his face in his hair. Every loss scared him. What if Sora was next? He wasn't sure he could deal with that again.

And then the other's words sunk in. At least you're still here. Like if Kairi couldn't be, then Riku was the next best thing. It was like a reminder that even after everything he would still somehow be less than her.]

Pretty sure I'll be here forever.


[Offline] keytothekindgom June 16 2011, 03:19:27 UTC
I think you'll go home eventually.

[And Sora feared that day more than he feared anything else, even death. Kairi had already left and that was awful, but he'd rather face death than have to stay here without Riku.]

That's going to be the worst day ever.

[Yes, even worse than today, the day Kairi left.]

I hope I go home that day, too.


[Offline] reflectivedawn June 16 2011, 03:25:08 UTC
I doubt it.

[If they were going to send him home, why couldn't they have done it when Sora had left the first time? Why couldn't they have sent him home with his heart, where he could have been whole?]

You have to promise me something, Sora. That even if I go home before you, that you'll be strong for me. That you won't let them break you.


[Offline] keytothekindgom June 16 2011, 03:38:45 UTC

[The boy sighed, closing his eyes for a moment. How could he promise something like that to Riku? When they were separated before he always knew that they'd come back to one another. But Adstringendum was different. Here he didn't have a gummi ship or any way of even knowing if he was in the same universe as the Dark Margin. He didn't know if he would be stuck here forever or for the next five minutes.

Still...he'd try his hardest. For Riku.]

I promise. As long as you do the same.


[Offline] reflectivedawn June 16 2011, 04:41:59 UTC
[He had already made that promise, silently, at least, to Sora after he left. That he would stay strong for him. And he had, for the most part. It had only been towards the end that he had begun to break.

But he couldn't deny Sora this one promise now. Not after he had asked the same.]

I promise, Sora.


[Offline] keytothekindgom June 16 2011, 16:40:04 UTC
[He smiles a bit now. It was a comfort to know that if he suddenly disappeared that Riku would try his hardest to keep it together. He had no idea how the other reacted when he left the first time...he only hoped that he kept it together.

Sora leans in and presses a soft kiss to the other's lips, pulling away slowly.]

Will you stay with me today?

[He wanted Riku there with him. He figured if he was constantly touching the other then there was no way that he could leave.]


[Offline] reflectivedawn June 16 2011, 19:29:02 UTC
Unless something happens. Then I'll have to go.

[Things were calm right now, but you never knew when someone might decide to give up their sanity and go after your friends.]


[Offline] keytothekindgom June 16 2011, 19:37:25 UTC
Then nothing better happen.

[Because he wanted to lay in bed with Riku all day long and he wasn't going to have anyone interrupting that. He pushes the male so that he's lying on the bed and then lays down on top of him, his head on his chest so that he was listening to the other's heart beating.]

Thank you for staying.


[Offline] reflectivedawn June 16 2011, 19:41:31 UTC

[He's about to object, because if someone needed him, he would go, without question, because that was what he did. He had become a protector here, and he had people who needed him to fulfill that duty. And while he knew Sora would understand, it didn't change the fact that he increasingly felt like he was being tugged and pulled into two different directions.]

I'll stay for as long as I can.


[Offline] keytothekindgom June 16 2011, 19:53:00 UTC
[He understood that Riku had other obligations, he really did, but he wanted his best friend with him at all times. Life, especially in Adstringendum, just seemed so much easier and better with Riku around. The other always said how Sora was his light and how he kept him happy, but that seemed to work both ways. Sora was naturally a positive person, but with Riku around it came even more naturally.]

At least until I fall asleep?


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