May 16, 2006 18:53
I'm afraid I must apologize. I've been missing... several of my farm shifts lately, as I've been kind of busy in the library... I haven't found anything on the desert, as was my original intent... but I did find some interesting things about worlds much different from my own. ^^;
Anyway... I did work on the farm for much of today to make up for it, though I doubt that it will... I tried my hand at the garden that I've noticed some others working on, as well. Don't worry, I didn't disturb anyone else's plants... I planted a few of my own with some seeds I found in a mysteriously new (I'm not surprised, really.) cabinet-thing in the barn. I'm... not too sure what I planted, or if I even did it right. I never did anything with plants before... but I did read a little of the basics in the library, so I hope I did it right. If not... then I could always try again next week, I suppose.
So, um... how's everyone been during my temporary hermit state? ^^;;;