
Feb 03, 2008 04:19

Crisis professor writes her emails in blue, I don't know why.
Your “presence” is really something - you would be an excellent crisis manager; you come across as very well-grounded and knowledgeable.

Let me nose around a bit about Portland and see what I can find out.
New helper robot today! Those who never gave up hope, you are both rewarded! Look for it on the site soon.

I was having a really hard time during the inking. I was listening to the newest They Might Be Giants podcast, and it was rocking me so hard that I worried my hands wouldn't be steady. And then there's the stuff that makes me laugh, which is worse.

On a summer evening the song of the Tudlow can be heard.
Its characteristic gasping is both a mating call and a cry for help.
The number of gasps follows the Fibonacci sequence,
often reaching as high as 55 or 89 gasps
before the animal loses consciousness.

grad school, portland, helper robots

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