Twenty Questions Meme
1. Comment with the characters you play.
2. People reply with questions about the character. These can be either directly in-game (ex: Why did Harry have a rubber duck in his pocket when he showed up to Second City?) or about the character in general (ex: What is Ziva's favourite food?).
3. Answer the question, and ask one in
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What's one power Karrin wishes she had?
Q: What does Derek put in his coffee?
If Karrin was in a dentist waiting lobby and mutant chicken, lobster, and caterpillar came bursting through the window, what would she grab to fend off the invading animals?
Well, if they were ATTACKING, she'd probably grab the nearest chair and chunk it at them. She has a liscense to carry concealed so she'd probably start shooting.
That's if their attacking though. I mean...they could just be lost aliens or something...but even then she'd be ready to defend the people and have a gun on them just to be safe.
Q: If Derek was forced to bring one person here from his own world/time who would it be?
A: (Time) Morris. Just, yeah. For a lot of reasons.
A: (World) If he could bring someone from about 12 years earlier, his brother, and he'd do whatever he could to protect him.
Q: It's a rainy night, and for once, nothing is going wrong. (ie: No one's heart has been blasted out of her chest.) How would Karrin like to spend it?
A: Get out a big ole pint of ice cream and watch cheesy movies (trying to avoid the sci-fi channel) or maybe read a book.
Q: There's no Mission and Derek has been given some leave time/a break. How does Derek spend it?
Funny how that worked out. |D
Q: What's one thing Karrin would like for a birthday/Christmas present?
Q: Favorite ice cream?
A: He's more of a strawberry ice cream person, which is weird because you'd think it would be coffee flavored ice cream. He's eaten strawberry for longer though.
Q: What's one thing Karrin habitually does?
What would Derek wish for?
Q: Does Starr like the Diva uniform or does she wish she could change it?
She does wish they could get, like, jackets to wear in the winter as part of the outfit...but ah well. (I rather like the jacket she wears in the above icon btw). Actually, she thinks maybe there should be some uniform policies regarding extreme weather conditions and wardrobe changes in that department.
Q: Pancakes or Waffles?
A: Ooh, toughie. Probably waffles because they have more potential to be crunchy while not also being burnt.
Q: For some reason, Starr has to dance with different backups. Ignoring who knows what steps, who which two Agents would Starr choose?
A: Probably J because he's versatile and Derek because he also does back-up.
Q: If EBA existed as a video game in SC!verse and Derek found it what would be his reaction?
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