Title: I Melt With You
Participants: Xabi Alonso/Guti
Disclaimer: The product of a sick and twisted mind......
Summary: Guti gets his man.....or does he?
Note: Written for the
Cabin Fever key party.
Could you love yourself any more than you already do? )
Also, I was really worried about Xabi indeed turning into the maiden while I was reading the first part, until finally the 'let me love you'-bit came up to. I think that was my favorite moment, very cool.
Fantastic sexy scenery :DD
Just not too much, so it might turn too awkward or kind of uneasy for all those who see them as an item, as these keys-parties also state that they are.
Not saying this happened here, lol, just my thoughts on the topic :)
This was my first time writing Xabi/anyone else. Hell, my first time writing Xabi at all, lol!
I have to say, I did struggle with the addition of Steven Gerrard, and how to balance Xabi's apprehension(if that's the right word). Yes, Xabi misses him, but not to the point where he becomes a blushing maiden.
I hope. :D
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