Title: Nando's Party
Participants: Fernando Torres, Andy Carroll, Raul Meireles, Doni, Josh McEachran, Jamie Carragher, Frank Lampard, Steven Gerrard, David Luiz, Juan Mata, Jose Enrique, John Terry, Danny Agger, Pepe Reina, Branislav Ivanovic, Martin Kelly, Petr Cech - with Cesc Fabregas
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Never at any time did this actually occur, ever
Words: 1300
A/N I know I said I was going on hiatus, but I promised this and I keep my word.
Fernando trapped his phone between his ear and shoulder as he dumped ice into the cooler of beer. Cesc was whining.
"But why can't I come, Nando! You know I love key parties!"
"Because you don't play for Chelsea or Liverpool."
"That's discrimination!"
"Cesc," Nando sighed as he wiped his hands on his jeans and adjusted the phone. "The whole purpose of this party is to bring together my friends from both squads. You don't fit in here!"
There was a pouty silence. "And you haven't even invited me over to your new mansion in the midlands."
"You're welcome any time."
"Good, I'll be there tonight!"
There was a whine. "I wanna come."
"No. I'll have another party soon." There was a knock at the door. "I have to go. Go blow Pique or something."
"He smells like Shakira."
"It could be worse," Fernando said and hung up. He jogged to the front door which was about a half acre from the party room in the basement. The house really was ridiculously large, but Fernando had gotten it for a steal when the owners had gone bust in the market crashes. Hell, there were enough bedrooms for a key party.
Opening the door, he saw Steven and Jamie, both carrying, bottles of wine.
"Fernando," Jamie greeted and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I miss you."
"I miss you guys too," Fernando said as he hugged them both. Steven was quiet. Fernando laced his fingers into Steven's. He knew his former captain had been having a hard time lately, both with Fernando's departure and his own injury. "I saw you play this weekend."
Steven looked at him, and finally a smile appeared. "I saw you play this weekend."
Fernando groaned. "I'm a fucking moron."
"Yes," Jamie agreed as he watched Steven and Fernando, desperate for them to be okay again.
"Jamie, can you put these bottles in the kitchen for me?" Fernando asked, and Jamie took the hint, disappearing.
Fernando curled into Steven. "I wasn't sure you'd come."
"I wasn't going to," Steven muttered. "He made me."
Rubbing Steven's sides, Fernando willed Steven to touch him. Finally, he reached for Steven's hands and placed them on his hips. Steven didn't resist.
"I know you've not forgiven me. And I don't pretend that it's all okay, but...thank you for coming."
Steven nodded into Fernando's shoulder, fighting tears.
"And maybe," Fernando started, "Tomorrow after everyone goes, you could stay a little?"
"Maybe," Steven allowed, even though he found he wanted to. "We'll see."
Fernando smiled and pulled away as there was another knock at the door. It was a crowd of Chelsea boys, led by John Terry. Fernando greeted them all warmly, and the English lads all greeted Steven who had gotten control of himself.
Soon the house was filled with happy voices. Beers were drunk, snacks demolished, and after a couple of hours, Fernando decided everyone was probably ready to go.
He turned off the tv which was, of course, tuned to Sky Sport News, and the room grew quiet. ''Hey everyone. Thanks for coming."
"You know JT will show up anywhere there's a chance to use his cock," Frank laughed, and the cheeky England captain only shrugged.
"It's only polite to share."
"You know you can ride me whenever!" Andy called, tipping precariously off his chair after at least a dozen cans of lager.
"He hasn't had his shots!" Jamie reminded the slutty striker, and everyone roared.
Fernando held up his hands for silence. "Tonight was about getting my old and new teammates together for some fun. So in the theme of the night, Chelsea v Liverpool, you're going to be paired up with a member of the opposing team."
"I CALL MATA!" Pepe called, and the smaller Spaniard flushed.
"You'll get who you get and you'll like it," Fernando to him, and Pepe grinned. "Now, in each of these bags," Fernando held up eight bags from the Chelsea store and eight from the Liverpool store, "there's a kit from each of you. "I'll select one of each, and who ever's shirts are in the bags, that's who you fuck....or get fucked by!"
"How do we choose?"
"Liverpool boys on top!"
"Fuck off!"
Fernando laughed. "I say every pair works it out for themselves!"
"Pick already!"
"Alright, alright!" Fernando said, loving that everyone was cheerful and excited. Even David Luiz was grinning, though Fernando was fairly certain the young Brazillain actually had no idea what was going on, bless him.
Fernando took a bag from each pile and revealed the shirts. "Andy Carroll and Raul Meireles!" (
"Hey, he's not a Chelsea player!" Andy protested.
Everyone else burst out laughing.
"We sold him a month ago, shit for brains!" Jamie told him, and Andy still looked confused.
"It's fine," Raul told him. "I've not had a ride yet, anyway."
Whistles and catcalls followed the out of the room, carrying their respective shirts.
Fernando pulled the next two. "Torres..." he waggled his eyebrows, "and..." he produced a Liverpool keeper shirt.
"Me!" Pepe jumped up, excited.
"Doni!" Fernando corrected him, holding out the shirt for all to see. (
"Aw fuck off!" Pepe complained, sitting back down with a pout.
Doni grinned.
"You gotta wait," Fernando said. "Next up...Jamie Carragher...and Frank Lampard." (
"Oooh!" John Terry said. "I could watch that!"
"We really need to have a voyeur party," Pepe pondered. "Where everyone has to fuck here in front of us."
"You just want to watch people fuck," Danny accused.
Pepe blinked. "Duh."
Fernando picked up two more bags. "Steven Gerrard..."
Steven looked up from his beer, a little apprehensive.
"...David Luiz!" (
"Me!" David stood up happily. "David-Steven fuck fuck?"
Steven couldn't help it. He burst out laughing. "Yes, fuck fuck."
"David good fuck fuck," he said with a wide grin and loped over to Steven.
"He is," John agreed.
"Alright," Fernando said as the two disappeared. "Juan Mata....and...not Pepe Reina!"
"Jose Enrique." (
Mata grinned at Jose, and the two grabbed their shirts. Everyone left looked around, sizing up what was left.
"Okay, we have...Danny Agger," he said, and grinned at Danny. Danny grinned back. Of all the Liverpool boys, Danny had forgiven Fernando first, and most completely. Mostly because Danny knew Fernando like no one else. "And...John Terry." (
"Fuck. Yeah," Danny punched the air.
John grinned. "You're a good lad, Fernando Torres."
Pepe was still left, and realized he could either get Petr or Bran. He licked his lips. It was all good.
"Finally...Pepe Reina!" Fernando pulled out his shirt. "And...Branislav Ivanovic." (
Pepe sighed in pleasure. "Here's to the best ass in the EPL." He drained his beer and got up.
Petr glanced at Martin Kelly and the two got up. "I guess that's us." (
"Have fun," Fernando called as the last of them wandered out, leaving him alone with the sexy Brazilian keeper.
But before he could decide how he wanted this to go, the door bell rang.
"Who the hell is that?" Fernando wondered as he went to to door, Doni trailing behind.
Opening it, he saw very nervous Josh McEachran.
"Hi," Josh squeaked, looking way younger than his 18 years.
"You're late," Fernando said, not unhappy to see the kid.
"I'm late, I know, I wasn't going to come but JT said I should and I've never done this gay sex thing, you know, but I wanted to and uh..."
A wide smile spread over Fernando's face. He glanced back at Doni who looked equally pleased. "You're welcome to join us."
The Pairings:
Andy Carroll/Raul Meireles (
Fernando Torres/Doni/Josh McEachran (
Jamie Carragher/Frank Lampard (
Steven Gerrard/David Luiz (
Juan Mata/Jose Enrique (
John Terry/Danny Agger (
Pepe Reina/Branislav Ivanovic (
Martin Kelly/Petr Cech (