(no subject)

Mar 01, 2010 15:14

 I have a strange request of you all. I'm working on a character for my play and she is in a lot of situations where other people's outlooks are appreciated. some are more personal than others.

I'm asking you to share your experiences with me, via comments, email, postcard, fb message, whatever on the following things:

-being a younger sibling
-being in someone's shadow
-questioning your sexuality
-white guilt (or liberal guilt or whatever you want to call it)
-sexual abuse
-emotional abuse
-broken families
-abusive relationships (of any kind)

obviously some of these are very uncomfortable. if you would prefer to call to talk about them i can do that. anything you want to be open about. how you feel about it, what reminds you of it, specific objects or smells etc that trigger the memories, what you did to avoid thinking about it, how you got through it, songs you listened to.

whatever you want to share with someone, I want to hear. if you know someone else who wants to share something related to those things, let me know. it doesn't all have to be uber dramatic or anything either.

and obviously, don't tell me anything you're not comfortable with. Its an interesting character and I want to do her justice. I feel the only way to play her without making her a stereotype or unlikeable is to hear some real life experience.

My email is Lbearbear@aol.com. if you would prefer to write or call, just email me and I will send my address or phone number. thanks guys! you're the best!
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