(no subject)

Oct 13, 2009 18:15

 blah. I just jogged a mile then walked another one. this may not sound impressive to YOU, but I already do yoga 3 days a week and suzuki for two so blah. blah blah blah. and also I'm incredibly out of shape.

That was very very difficult. and now I have to go because I've roped another roommate into doing it with me and matt's already giving me hell because he goes to the gym.

I got my mid term reports from all my teachers today. pretty damn good actually. now I just have to keep it up o_O

I'm finding it hard to be interesting in my posts. I can't really adequately explain what's going on in my classes. Started camera technique last week, and tomorrow we get to see what we look like on screen. I start fencing on monday so that should be cool. I can't believe I graduate in April. crazy shit.

Still haven't trained for Crumbs. Was all the way out in fucking Hoboken at 7:40 on my day off (that's about an hour away from me in the upper upper east side) only for the guy who is supposed to be training me not to show up and didn't call until 8:30.

November looks busy. actually, now til April does.
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