because I adore Joan dear. :]fabricliesApril 24 2009, 05:36:32 UTC
{{ He never liked to talk about that particular incident, but it wasn’t really an issue because Junsu certainly had no qualms about spreading the story around. }} hyuksu BFFery is so much love :DD like your writing
{{ link after link until his eyes felt like they were dying. }} fanfiction is my porn. ._________.
{{ The issue of homosexuality and God made him hesitate, causing his cursor to hover on a link }} ahjgkskgj realism. I love how you play with religion and throw it in there. Like with some of your other fics too...
KDJIGOJLGJ RKII*#(*IE(U(FE ! /dead. guess what part I reread
{{ he started to kick everything within his hitting range, loud and unrestrained. His outbreak continued until there is nothing left to destroy and he slumped to his knees, looking for the answer in the small landscape of ruin. }} ...I kind of wanted to quote the whole paragraph and more of the one before that but I restrained myself >> this is why I never quote more than one thing but sukgjisjh. and now I'm throwing half of your fic back at you. but srsly, you make me jealous of your writing 8D everything is so real.
{{ “The way you move your hips keeps me up at night.” }} /headdesks. metoo,metoo. but not that way DX
{{ the elder to fall into another spasm of scandalized incoherency. }} LOVELOVELOVE. yes :DDDDDD oh hyuk ♥
{{ Steam rose from Hyukjae’s skin as he walked back to his room. The boy tousled his hair carelessly as he reached for the doorknob and entered the room. }} /some random stranger '...why is that weird asian girl spasming on the floor'
--- okay, I know this is getting ridiculously long, so. with mad!hae, I'll just tell you that I love when people write him like that. And at the same time, you still remind the reader that hae's usually bright, not like that. And just. I don't even know but it's so rare to see that. D:
--- ENDING = more keysmash & love & 'awww'
i know i'm lame but this is probably the most epic comment I've ever made in my LJ lifespan. DX and I don't plan on doing it again, lmao. took ages because I kept on getting distracted. but. it's for you. :DD
Re: because I adore Joan dear. :]keylimeblissApril 24 2009, 05:58:20 UTC
Aw...I feel so loved and honored. =D thank you~~ I love you honey, this comment makes me smile. =DD
Hyuksu is love. my writing is not
Ah..I know that feeling. I got every summer vacation before I started writing...
I don't know, I like to play with religion because it is a big issue depending on who you talk to and you can just do so much with it, I only focus on one part, but just ignore, k?
Your writing is perfectly fine. When will you believe me?
LOL, i don't sounded funny at the time....
honey, you should at least spasm in your nice comfty chair if you need to do so.
I don't have any problem with getting long quotes~ =D though I don get the feeling whatever your favorite fic of mine has changed between then and now
Donghae is usually bright, but he's not stupid or weak. I hate when people make him all teary and weak.I should stop writing hyukjae that way though
Shakespearean Styled Ending: once writing the plot gets boring, make up some retarded ending and just finish. For reference, please read Romeo&Juliet -I succeed.-
Long comments are long.keylimeblissApril 26 2009, 15:14:06 UTC
You always make me smile. =D ok, not always always, but most of the time always
I'll believe you when you believe me, okay?
I can't wait for summer vacation seriously. I feel lame when I read my own fics just because I'm deprived. sigh
why do you sleep on the floor? at least put a mattress or those foam thingies on the floor to sleep on! It's bad for your back. D<
I should go around leaving comments more than 2 words now that I have discovered the joy of long comments. really? which one do you like more than some of the others than?
I think all of Suju are dorks. Why can't dorks be that cute in real life?
I think I should write Hyukjae in character one day...too bad I suck at it completely.
I don't like Shakespearean plays, but his sonnets are okay. If you said this one is okay, I'll pretend to believe you because you said so.
Re: Long comments are long.fabricliesApril 27 2009, 02:59:16 UTC
it's the majority that counts, y/y? 8D
...well then. fine. but. asusjkdgjsdf.
there's not enough fics where hyuk bottoms, i think :|| /hides from hae-fans. i hate summer but three months of no school? count me in.
it's okay, i'm young 8DD
LOLOL. i'm sure people appreciate comments in general ^^ though long ones are fun to read i'd have to think really hard about which one i like more than others. >> i'll tell you when i have time to reread all your hyuk fics? XD;;
i know right DD: why can't there be more guys that cute around here, period. DX
tell me if you ever do :DD and you should believe me~ the ending was good D:
Re: Long comments are long.keylimeblissApril 27 2009, 04:16:10 UTC
y. ^_^
asusjkdgjsdf? okay.
I don't think so either, but that's my crazy bias speaking, I think? Summer in S. Cali is insane. We reach the 100s here on bad days. The worst was like 110 I think? What about you?
yep, true that. go read them then tell me! I wanna know~~
Why are guys so not cute. D=, Okay I know this one cute guy but I'm biased because he's Asian and he's smart.
If I ever do manage, I'll save you a spot.
let's stop debating about the ending, shall we? It's not going anywhere.
Re: Long comments are long.fabricliesApril 29 2009, 10:35:54 UTC
for summers, we go to around the 90s DX and still, i hate it. i would feel like i'm burning to death there :|| even though I don't burn. do you like it? *__*
you're sounding like how my mom would sound if she cared DD: don't worry~ take care of yourself :3 and get lots of sleep. :D and eat vegetables.
I will. :3 I plan on reading them all... like a week or two from now? XD it sounds long but hell, i'm so packed up with school crap /headdesks. a fetish thing? /bricked.
yessssss, save me a spot :D but you'd had to link me it if you ever do. cause things tend to pass me .___. it really isn't. but i blame you 8D XD jokiing.
hyuksu BFFery is so much love :DD like your writing
{{ link after link until his eyes felt like they were dying. }}
fanfiction is my porn. ._________.
{{ The issue of homosexuality and God made him hesitate, causing his cursor to hover on a link }}
ahjgkskgj realism. I love how you play with religion and throw it in there. Like with some of your other fics too...
KDJIGOJLGJ RKII*#(*IE(U(FE ! /dead. guess what part I reread
{{ he started to kick everything within his hitting range, loud and unrestrained. His outbreak continued until there is nothing left to destroy and he slumped to his knees, looking for the answer in the small landscape of ruin. }}
...I kind of wanted to quote the whole paragraph and more of the one before that but I restrained myself >> this is why I never quote more than one thing but sukgjisjh. and now I'm throwing half of your fic back at you. but srsly, you make me jealous of your writing 8D everything is so real.
{{ “The way you move your hips keeps me up at night.” }}
/headdesks. metoo,metoo. but not that way DX
{{ the elder to fall into another spasm of scandalized incoherency. }}
{{ Steam rose from Hyukjae’s skin as he walked back to his room. The boy tousled his hair carelessly as he reached for the doorknob and entered the room. }}
/some random stranger '...why is that weird asian girl spasming on the floor'
--- okay, I know this is getting ridiculously long, so. with mad!hae, I'll just tell you that I love when people write him like that. And at the same time, you still remind the reader that hae's usually bright, not like that. And just. I don't even know but it's so rare to see that. D:
--- ENDING = more keysmash & love & 'awww'
i know i'm lame but this is probably the most epic comment I've ever made in my LJ lifespan. DX and I don't plan on doing it again, lmao. took ages because I kept on getting distracted. but. it's for you. :DD
I love you honey, this comment makes me smile. =DD
Hyuksu is love. my writing is not
Ah..I know that feeling. I got every summer vacation before I started writing...
I don't know, I like to play with religion because it is a big issue depending on who you talk to and you can just do so much with it, I only focus on one part, but just ignore, k?
Your writing is perfectly fine. When will you believe me?
LOL, i don't sounded funny at the time....
honey, you should at least spasm in your nice comfty chair if you need to do so.
I don't have any problem with getting long quotes~ =D though I don get the feeling whatever your favorite fic of mine has changed between then and now
Donghae is usually bright, but he's not stupid or weak. I hate when people make him all teary and weak.I should stop writing hyukjae that way though
Shakespearean Styled Ending: once writing the plot gets boring, make up some retarded ending and just finish. For reference, please read Romeo&Juliet
-I succeed.-
and you must know by now that your writing is sodkfldjsh LOVELOVELOVE. srsly.
summer vacation... no school work around and just fics and fics. oh man. it's not fun to read your own writing though -.-;;
huh, I don't think I've ever asked, but what's your religion?
LOLOL, i sleep on the floor. i have like no furniture other than a table in the corner and drawls for clothes.
i should leave you long comments more often if they make you smile~ i can't pick a favorite fic of yours
I see him as dork. 8D most definitely not weak nor stupid :/ I know what you mean, I make hyuk totally off but >>
LOLXD, too bad I'm not as brilliant as him, though I always do that to my endings. I thought you did good with this one though. ♥
I'll believe you when you believe me, okay?
I can't wait for summer vacation seriously. I feel lame when I read my own fics just because I'm deprived. sigh
why do you sleep on the floor? at least put a mattress or those foam thingies on the floor to sleep on! It's bad for your back. D<
I should go around leaving comments more than 2 words now that I have discovered the joy of long comments. really? which one do you like more than some of the others than?
I think all of Suju are dorks. Why can't dorks be that cute in real life?
I think I should write Hyukjae in character one day...too bad I suck at it completely.
I don't like Shakespearean plays, but his sonnets are okay. If you said this one is okay, I'll pretend to believe you because you said so.
...well then. fine. but. asusjkdgjsdf.
there's not enough fics where hyuk bottoms, i think :|| /hides from hae-fans. i hate summer but three months of no school? count me in.
it's okay, i'm young 8DD
LOLOL. i'm sure people appreciate comments in general ^^ though long ones are fun to read i'd have to think really hard about which one i like more than others. >> i'll tell you when i have time to reread all your hyuk fics? XD;;
i know right DD: why can't there be more guys that cute around here, period. DX
tell me if you ever do :DD and you should believe me~ the ending was good D:
asusjkdgjsdf? okay.
I don't think so either, but that's my crazy bias speaking, I think? Summer in S. Cali is insane. We reach the 100s here on bad days. The worst was like 110 I think? What about you?
yep, true that. go read them then tell me! I wanna know~~
Why are guys so not cute. D=, Okay I know this one cute guy but I'm biased because he's Asian and he's smart.
If I ever do manage, I'll save you a spot.
let's stop debating about the ending, shall we? It's not going anywhere.
you're sounding like how my mom would sound if she cared DD: don't worry~ take care of yourself :3 and get lots of sleep. :D and eat vegetables.
I will. :3 I plan on reading them all... like a week or two from now? XD it sounds long but hell, i'm so packed up with school crap /headdesks. a fetish thing? /bricked.
yessssss, save me a spot :D but you'd had to link me it if you ever do. cause things tend to pass me .___. it really isn't. but i blame you 8D XD jokiing.
LOL. Okay, I'll eat all my veggies and well, I don't think I'm gonna get much sleep, but oh well. School is trying to screw us all over.
Fetish? More like a preference. I can't stand stupid guys. D=
Okay~~ but I don't know if I'll get Hyukjae's character right
srsly. :|| i wish we had like a break every month. like three days - a week long DX
you'd probably be too smart for them~~ you and your AP classes 8D
have you tried on it yet? :] you never know~~ and well, if it doesn't work out, the way you write hyuk now is suijfksdujkgd amazing.
The problem with school isn't being stupid, it's about doing the work I never want to do. D=
Have I tried what on yet? Clothes? Asian guys? Making IC Hyuk fics? Well, yes, yes, yes. But the key word is tried
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