1:4, complete.

Jun 11, 2009 18:22

I'm in my packed up dorm room, roommate-less and I'm going to take a nap soon before sierra and I go out for one last Bellingham adventure of the year. I can't really fathom the idea that I have already been through my whole freshman year of COLLEGE. And what a year it's been. I feel pretty happy with it because I think that I have stepped out of my box from high school, and for better or worse, been through so much. I have LEARNED so much about life, about people and about myself, even as I lose myself a little more in the process.

I've navigated one of the strangest breakups in the history of the world with the boy that used to be my best friend.

I've lived in a tiny space with another girl who went from a complete stranger to one of my closest confidants.

I've had that tiny space flood over my christmas break abroad :)

I've made stupid, stupid choices with boys and dealt with the resulting emotional fallout for an entire year.

I've been so high I was speaking in tongues.

I've been so drunk that watching TV made me motion sick.

I've met people who I will never meet again, and people who will change my life.

I've gotten my heartbroken just a little.

I've put a down payment on a house to live in with three roommates next year.

Looking back, there is not a decision that I really regret from this year because every single one of them contributed to the undeniably most interesting year of my life. Somehow, all of a sudden, despite the weed and alcohol induced haze that seems to cloud most weekends, I have begun to understand what is important to me, and a hesitant plan for the next few years,and my ultimate goals have begun to become clear.

Based on what I've seen, and know about next year, it should be even better. I'm excited to have Lisa up in Bellingham, and I'm excited to have my own place to live, regardless of all the responsibility that comes with it. I'm excited to take more interesting classes, and do more work in my theoretical Major and minor (Communication and Anthropology, respectively). I CAN'T WAIT. We move in the first week of August.

Ps. We have a guest room in the house next year, so y'all better come spend some time on 1420 32nd St!

lists, college

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