Your results:
You are Wonder WomanWonder Woman 90%Superman 85%The Flash 80%Spider-Man 70%Supergirl 70%Green Lantern 65%Iron Man 60%Hulk 50%Catwoman 40%Batman 30%Robin 20%You are a beautiful princess
with great strength of character.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz... So is life.... It seems to go the same as usual for me.
So I actually had two pretty decent chats on AIm today about different but realated thins. I was talking about natural talents to one person and we debated a while on that one. And the other person and I were talking about how coincidences don't exist, but we had different reasoning backing us. I think it was two days ago that I turned my aim on and saw one of my drama friends from high school and sent him an im to see how he was. It was just a friendly conversation about nothing, but we hadn't talked to each other in about two years. Anyway, last night Jeremy and I went to the movies and guess who ended up sitting two seats away from me? It was weird. He's one of those people that I never really run into. Anyway, I was reading this book about how when we think of someone or talk to them, that sends off an energy that causes us to bump into each other. It kind of makes sense and it kind of doesn't because if you keep it within reason (as in obviously thinking about Tom Welling isn't going to bring him to my doorstep) then it could be plausible. If we are made up entirely of energy then a thought, whether conscious or not, is made up of energy, so therefore could a thought cause enough reaction to have an effect? maybe. Or is the world really just full of coincidence and no meaning? Well, I think we all know where I stand on that.