"Spin-off Rumors of a spin-off of the series began in 2008, when TV Guide's Michael Ausiello reported that a private investigator introduced during House's fifth season would be getting his own show if he was "embraced" by the audience.[135][136][137] In May that same year, IGN reported that this character would be portrayed by Michael Weston,[138] with The Hollywood Reporter saying that the character would be named Lucas Douglas and would be "as intelligent but not as abrasive as Dr. House".[139][140] The rumors were confirmed by Entertainment Weekly[141] and Blog Critics.[142] In a late 2008 interview with The Star-Ledger, creator David Shore confirmed plans about the spinoff and said that it would be inspired by The Rockford Files."
Beware of my RP journal?tsunicornsJanuary 10 2009, 07:05:25 UTC
LOL. Sounds amusing, but then people wil compare them to House and Wilson all the time, and, well...the original is always better, ya know. >>;; Don't want the new show to get bad reviews from the critics!
On wiki:
Rumors of a spin-off of the series began in 2008, when TV Guide's Michael Ausiello reported that a private investigator introduced during House's fifth season would be getting his own show if he was "embraced" by the audience.[135][136][137] In May that same year, IGN reported that this character would be portrayed by Michael Weston,[138] with The Hollywood Reporter saying that the character would be named Lucas Douglas and would be "as intelligent but not as abrasive as Dr. House".[139][140] The rumors were confirmed by Entertainment Weekly[141] and Blog Critics.[142] In a late 2008 interview with The Star-Ledger, creator David Shore confirmed plans about the spinoff and said that it would be inspired by The Rockford Files."
HAI PI GUY!!!1111!!!
I bet it'll probably premiere sometime next September XD
Yeah. I knew he was just too special to let go...
LOL!! Can you imagine if they had a Cantankerous!Wilson Guy to PI Guy's Nice!House?
And tsundere + unicorns = tsunicorns. England loves unicorns and is a tsundere.
And the icon is adorable btw <3
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