Mar 13, 2006 12:41
OK, it's already monday, but I wasn't home, so today some lines about friday...
around 12am shura send me a message and changed my plans for the day totally!
my favorite not japanese band would play in the "columbiahalle" a secret gig!
for free!
she came to me(after I cleaned my whole apartment) and after watching "kirito - fef of hameln" we went to the venue...
there were already many people there...
it was 6 pm and the doors should open 8pm...
when they did, it remind me painfully at the Dir en grey concert...
I fell several times and if there hadn't been this nice guy, who hold my hand for some time, I don't know, if i had make it...
finally in the venue we sought our place in the middle, very close to the stage...
but after the support act "slut" played, which was ok, but you couldn't hear the vocal very good, I was in the 2nd row and my friend in the 3rd behind me...
I tried to get her beside me, but it didn't work, too many people...
but the concert itself was really great!
they played the new songs!
and the old!
they really played "nancy boy" again!
it was great!
and they covered their own song "36 degrees"
Brian really enjoyed hs guitar play and was many times on his knees!
Stef's play was great as well, switching between bass and guitar...
it was the best gratis concert I visit ever!
and after the show the radio station Fritz gave us apples and bananas!
really yummy!
a great day!