Dec 31, 2011 22:10
Hey everybody~ How are all of you? I hope everyone is doing good and enjoying the last of 2011~ I can't believe how fast the year went by O_O I just wanted to wish everyone a very Happy New Years~ This year has been up and down for me; truely a rollercoaster omfg. What I can't believe is how many dedicated and wonderful readers I managed to have this year. I only really started putting any of my work up this year but people have liked more than I expected and it means so much. I actually wrote a Christmas and New Years shot (both TaeNy :$) but due to LJ hating on me, it wont let me post them :/ So I'll get those up ASAP ok? Cause the Christmas one was pretty good actually *_* SO MUCH RED~! You'll understand that when you get to read it LOOOL And also Darkness is halfway done so be sure to keep a heads up for that too ^^ I just wanted to say that I love you all so much and your comments and feedback really keep me going and wanting to improve in my writting even more. Everyone, be safe, don't drink to much ... ok if you can party it up!~!~ (kinda what I'm doing LOOL) Anyway I wont rant too long cause I'll end up spewing out all my love for you guys and you'll be sitting there like "omfg cant this please end" LOOL Happy New Years to all of you and I shall update as soon as I can~ Love you all! Thank you for helping to make my year~ :)
PS: If you guys ever want to say hi or anything, just message me on my tumblr since Im there a lot more ^^ ok anyway~ SEE YALL NEXT UPDATE~
happy new year~!