Tales from a first-grade Kimberly.

Aug 08, 2006 00:25

January 7
Today it is Tuesday and it is raining. Lots of people are wearing new clothes that they got for Chismas [sic]. Today at 11:30 we are going to learn about inventions in the library. I got a cupcake doll and my bithstone [sic] ring and baby alive and canby [sic].

January 8
Today is Wednesday. Deddie [sic] had a house fire last night. No one got hurt. We went to Miss Sahamburg's class to read to her students. President Bush got sick whil [sic] visiting Japan. Some of us are thnik [sic] about inventions.

January 9
Today is Thursday. We are Debbie is back. The president is better. It is still wintertime and it is cold today. We have had cereal for three bay [sic] in a row! Amber V got a tooth knocked out by Jeff yesterday. We have P.E. today.

January 13
Today is Monday. It is snowing! Deddie [sic[ is moving into a new house. We worked with the tutors. The Bills and the Redskins will play in the Super Bowl. We read in grops [sic] today.

January 15
Today is Wedsday [sic]. David T's bother [sic, haha] punched him on the nose and made it bleed. Some of the snowmen melted. Jay won finals in arctree [sic] Mrs Sivey is adsint [sic] today.

Today is Monday. Today is Jay's bithday [sic]. It is also (illegible) Luther King Day. It is the day we obseve [sic]. Jeff is abent and because he had a accdent [sic] and may broken his ankle. We have music today.

January 28
Today is Tuesday. We have music today. The construction workers have connected the new bulidining to the old one. Yesterday some of us wached the American music awards last night. We learned 4 new states.

January 23
Today is Thursday. Someone brought guns to the middle school yesterday. We know that guns are only for adults. We have batketdall today at P.E. We made symmetrial deings yesterday with paint and paper.

February 20 (My birthday was the day before)
After school I got Baby Face And Monpalie (Monopoly) anddimos (diamond?) earrigs and dasitte. And clothes. 2 posters But on the bus I spit up in my jackit. My mom is sick. Love Kimberly

April 9
What makes my angry is when my dad only give me yogret. And my siser does'n make her bed and I do. And she steles my cry baby's.

Apirl 10
When my dad tickels my on the feet. And I lach (laugh) my head off.

The hardest work is my ded. It was soso big and lots of covers adout 5 my mom keeps me warm.

The thing I want ot lean is Spiansh becaue I Like the lagsh.

April 16
Like to sing hoke bockey

What makes me happyist is when a box of cherry cabbies (those chocolates with the cherries inside) and a horse of my on.

What macks me happste is gem it is fun!

16 Because you get your dives list (driver's license. which I did not receive until I was almost eighteen.)

If I could vist some famie (Famous) person it would be Amy Grant and Kristey Alley and Brin Amads (Adams) and Whitey h(ouston) and Mel Gpestn (Gibson) and Pachezshiesald.

When I was a baby was little and thin and culey hair

Conclusion: I knew how to spell, but chose to make due with whatever came out as I was yapping with my classmates. I really wasn't digging the whole format that I originally had intended and later scrapped it for more experimental stream of consciousness. Dyslexic? Maybe. Pony-lover? For life. WTF FAMOUS PEOPLE.
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