Key's Picture Diary
TIP: Make it simple!
TITLE: His choice was eventually me
SHINee had a cooking contest to win over Yoogeun's heart. I predicted that I would win, and of course I eventually was chosen by him.
My fairy tale sandwich was a success!!
His choice was me in the end too. Gulgoopgahboogeek. The End!
Taemin's Picture Diary
Yoogeun to Onew: Melong~
Rest of SHINee: He was abandoned by Yoogeun...tsk tsk
TITLE: I'll be first place soon~!!
I got second best dad today. I was so happy.. After being last time I'll try even harder and get 1st place and truly make Yoogeun contemporary! Fighting~!!
Minho's Picture Diary
TITLE: Dad's thoughts~
I went with Yoogeun to a kids' cafe today~ I thought about childhood memories as I was playing with Yoogeun, especially about my father. He must have suffered a lot. Then we came home and decorated his room and made him food. I put in a lot of effort for Yoogeun...but I still wasn't 1st...but I was a good dad like my own father so I have no regrets! Let's have more fun next time Yoogeun~
Jonghyun's Picture Diary
Jonghyun: Eat it.
Yoogeun: No~
TITLE: A hurtful kiss
Today was the third day with Yoogeun!
We went to a kids' cafe with him, made food for him, and decorated his room.
I'm still awkward with Yoogeun but he gave me a kiss!!
Even though...I was 4th place. It's okay! They say this is the kind of reality they want!
Onew's Picture Diary
Yoogeun: Pffft
Onew - lost all spirit
Yoogeun said "No!" I made well-being food worthy of a super ultra sensational culture shock but after eating the rice and eggs, he promptly erased me from his memory. I guess I'll just put him to sleep in the bed I bought him. Oh. I also held Yoogeun today. He didn't was a decent day.