Sep 09, 2011 15:19
As I type this, I know I should be getting ready to go to the gym. My roommate is slightly obsessed with it, and I tag along. I adore her, and I appreciate that she also keeps me active, but at times her raging body issues can be irrigating. She doesn't have abs, but she's still absolutely skinny; fit even! Her legs are muscular, yet all she complains about is being fat. I understand she wants an 'ideal' body, but it's annoying being with someone like that 24/7. I have issues of my own. I'm nowhere near perfect and my confidence fluctuates, but hearing her rant and rave makes me want to rip her head off. She's just too busy worrying about how everyone views her. Plus, i feel that she is in denial of her own body. She has more of a boyish build. Her shoulders are wider, and she doesn't have a hour glass figure like i do. She always tries to disguise it, but no matter what shape you are, you must except it. The sooner, the better! You are the one person you will always be stuck with. Why spend half of that time in self-loathing? I can't say i'm 100% happy with myself, but I would never want to be anyone else but me. I love myself that much, and everyday I try to get to a more accepting state.
Ranting aside, all this made me realize that we are very harsh on appearance as a society. Whenever you turn on the tv, what is the first thing you see? Diet pills! Jeanie craig helped me loss 50 pounds! Try this low calorie snack! Commercials shove being 'skinny' down your throat. I guess i shouldn't be surprised considering media is perhaps the largest enabler of all. The point to my madness is that I personally feel that we should work towards being HEALTHY. I work out to remain in the best shape I can. Not to mention, I just feel happier when I get off that elliptical. I don't go there with the intention of trying to be a certain weight. I try not to care about that, because at the end of the day, it's just a number. I'd rather be pleased with what I actually see, and I wish others would try to adapt to that mindset as well. A body is just a body. Call me cheesy, but personality is really what matters. If we get passed exteriors, whether it be someone's weight, skin color, or even a birth defect that makes them different, we'd be able to coexist in a happier environment. Sharing experiences and loving people is where true glee is nested. I don't want to preach my philosophy, although i already have, but i'll end with a quote from 'Into The Wild' that sums up my last paragraph. I endorse fitness and saying healthy, but it will not cure insecurities that lie deeper within.
"Happiness is only real when shared." -Christopher McCandless
body image,