Mosaics Anthology 1 is Published

Mar 15, 2016 04:10

The charity anthology Mosaics, A Collection of Independent Women, Volume I has just come out. (The second volume is already under way.) It benefits the Pixel Project, a charity that is trying to fight domestic violence across the world. Their slogan is, It's Time To Stop Violence Against Women. Together.

I'm proud to say that my story, Happily Ever After in Twelve Stained Glass Panels.

Here's the blurb: Whatever happened to the Miller's Daughter, the one who spun gold into straw? This is the part the Brothers Grimm didn't tell us.

Selling a story to this anthology was a quick education in how to promote an Indie book. Some of the stuff they did: An illustration for every story, except these were for use on social media, not for the book. The hashtag, #IamAMosaic for everyone to use when they discussed their stories or the anthology. Lots of stuff on Twitter. Asking all the authors to try to get readers to post reviews on Amazon on Launch Day, and providing us free Advance Reader Copies (ARCs) that we could offer for the purpose. A Facebook launch party, with giveaways, including a Kindle Fire.

It went at a breathless pace that I wasn't quite prepared for (especially since it happened when I had other stuff going on) but built momentum.

I hope very hard that this antho succeeds. It's a very worthy cause, and Pavarti Tyler and Kim Wells have thrown themselves into promoting it.

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