Wiscon 38, Day 5 - Monday May 26th, 2014 - The End

Jun 04, 2014 00:46

Monday. The last day of Wiscon, the time to tie up loose ends and say good bye. Actually, a half-day, as I was scheduled to leave the hotel at 3 p.m.

Unlike Sunday, when I didn't make it to the 10 a.m. reading, I did get out to Michaelangelo's for the "Hard Chargers" reading. I came in as my friend Juliette Wade was reading from "Mind Locker," her new story in Analog - a story I'd been privileged to see as a work-in-process, since we are in a critique group together. The other writers reading their work - who were also pretty damn awesome - were Kat Beyer, Kimberley Long-Ewing, and Marguerite Reed.

Drifted back to the hotel to make a last pass at the Dealers' Room and Art Show, and pack. This is when I actually realized the folly of book acquisition at Wiscon. I could only fit about 3 into my suitcase, and the rest went into my backpack, which then felt as though it were loaded with bricks.

The hotel gave me a late check out this year, many thanks Concourse Hotel! This left me with time to grab some lunch at the bar and help Julie remove the blue tape indicating disability access areas from meeting rooms that weren't going to be used later. (Julie's on the Access committee.) We swung by the end of the Sign-Out, where we said Bye to a few people. A life-size cut-out of Ellen Klages had been turned into a Get-Well card for her, and was waiting for a few more signatures.

The Post-Mortem started at 2.30 p.m., and I joined in for half an hour. Then it was off to the shuttle and off to the airport. There, I discovered the second flight would be two hours late. I called home to let them know, then settled in to wait. It all worked out, and I landed in San Francisco to twinkling lights at 11.30 p.m.

Here's a set of links to all my Wiscon 38 posts.
Edited to Add: Sophy(gurl) kept excellent notes on some of the panels. I saw them on LiveJournal, and am linking to her round-up post that links to each write-up.

juliette wade, wiscon 38, wiscon 2014

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