Dayrunner by Kater Cheek - The third Kit Melbourne book!

Aug 11, 2011 18:50

In all the kerfuffle about LiveJournal's temporary collapse, I missed blogging about Dayrunner.

It's the third book in my friend Kater Cheek's series set in the imaginary university town of Seabingen. Kit Melbourne has a new job as the vampires' dayrunner. Her job description is to  take care of things that they can't, immobilized as they are during the day, and her boss is the vampire who heads the Guild.

It pays well, and shouldn't be a problem for a resourceful person like Kit. Until she gets mixed up in vampire politics. Then, caught between vampires friendly and hostile, she's trying to save some vampire lives while staking others. Meanwhile, she's defending herself against the curses someone keeps leaving on her doorstep and trying to win back the guy she really loves.

Her only real ally, it sometimes seems, is her familiar Kaa. He's a crow.

As an Urban Fantasy fan, I love these books, which Kater is e-publishing through Smashwords. They're available on Amazon too.

A word about the covers. They look so professional because Kater, who's also an artist, designs them herself. Take a look at the other two again. She's designed each object with the book's name, and then photographed it against a background she's painted. For Dayrunner, she carved the stake and then burned in the name. And here's her description of making the cover for Seeing Things and for Treerunner.

Also - if you every wanted to stake a vampire, here's a practical experiment: "How to Stake a Vampire" -- A Youtube video by Kater.

seeing things, treemaker, kater cheek, seabingen, kit melbourne, dayrunner

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