Treemaker by Kater Cheek - Another Kit Melbourne Novel out!

Jun 28, 2011 01:22

Recently, Kater Cheek e-published her urban fantasy novel, Seeing Things, in which heroine Kit Melbourne inherits a jewel that shows her the Otherfolk that have infiltrated the University town of Seabingen -- and carries the risk she'll be murdered for it. (I talked about that in the previous post.)

I have to confess Urban Fantasy as a guilty pleasure. I read the first 10 Anita Blake books. I read all the Sookie Stackhouse books. I love the Women of the Otherworld series, not to mention Carrie Vaughn's books. So quite aside from the fact that I love Kater's writing and sense of humor, I was delighted to find a fresh new series with such an appealing heroine. I've been a lucky beta reader on some of the books.

The second book in the series now available on Amazon for the Kindle e-reader. It's called Treemaker.  Kit's moved in with a witch and got a commission to build a faux birch forest for the strange client Ms Yseulta. A vampire is trying to seduce her. Meanwhile, she has to figure how to save her be-spelled, near catatonic boyfriend from certain death.

If anything, it's even better than Seeing Things.

amazon, kater cheek, seabingen, urban fantasy, kit melbourne, kindle

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