The Man in the Blue Checked Loungyi - Expanded Horizons

Sep 05, 2010 00:17

My story, The Man in the Blue Checked Loungyi, is up at Expanded Horizons. I'm really thrilled this one's been published.

It's another story with a story.

The first draft was written years ago, when I was actually that young woman visiting Burma... and my contact and friend there was a man my father's age. What I wrote then would probably be a LiveJournal entry today, with photographs. But that was before the internet, before email, before LiveJournal. So it sat around, and I input it into Word, and it fermented into a story. After it had been decanted through a couple of writing groups, it was ready to go out.

I wash up in the bathroom down the hall, quickly tie on my sari, and hurry down the once-grand staircase. U Maung Tin has agreed - reluctantly - to take me to see the Shwe Dagon Pagoda at dawn...

You can read the rest of it here.
And some of it is true.

writing, expanded horizons

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