'Theme and Variations' Anthology and 'She Shall Have Music'

Sep 07, 2009 02:01

It's been sent off! To Michelle!

To recap: My short story, "She Shall Have Music" is appearing (is that the right word?) in the Theme and Variations podcast anthology, edited by Michelle Welch. (This is the same story selected  for the 'Cheer Up Universe' print anthology, edited by Ahmed A Khan.)

For this, I had to make my first ever MP3 recording, starting with " First buy a microphone."

I finally figured this out  (yes, I can chew gum at the same time - not while reading, of course). The podcast went out to several First Listeners, who gave me useful feedback. Particular thanks to J and N, who told me where I needed to fix it. Then I re-recorded it, and it's gone off to Michelle. Now I'm waiting to hear back, and hoping the thing works properly.

I am really looking forward to listening to the anthology.

writing, podcast, theme and variations, she shall have music

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