Tachyon's Birthday at Borderlands

Aug 30, 2009 19:39

Tachyon Publications celebrated its 14th birthday at Borderlands Books , a jewel of a spec-fic store San Francisco. As has become the tradition, they also gave out the two Emperor Norton Awards. I went last year, so knew what to expect: Interesting people, wonderful bookstore ambiance, great food.

Two of my writing group buddies were there, and a number of authors and people from the spec-fic community. We were surrounded by more good books than were good for us. All around me, people were looking for specific titles, and trying to stick to resolutions to buy only a reasonable number. (Pre-party, my reasonable number was one; post-party it was six. I suppose it meets some definitions of 'reasonable.)

Rina Weisman had put on a great spread, much of which she made herself. I could hardly believe someone could have that quantity and variety of snacks without potlucking or catering it. It was all delicious. Too delicious, including the grand finale, which was Tachyon's birthday cake. I hereby report I did full justice to all the snacks.

Alan Beatts, owner of Borderlands, told the story of Emperor Norton, and explained why the award was named after him. There are two: One for a book set in the Bay Area or by a locally resident author; and the other for significant contribution to the community.

The first went to Doug Dorst for his book Alive in Necropolis, set in Colma. (A friend collected it for him; he was out of town.)  The second went to Charlie Jane Anders. She's best known for her "Writers with Drinks" series of "spoken-word variety shows" but is also an author and community figure.

I wore this necklace I had bought at the Art Show at Wiscon this year, and a lot of people admired it. I couldn't recall the name of the artist. If anyone recognizes it and lets me know, I'd be happy to put a link here. [ETA: It's called "Morrigan's Moon" and it's by Susan Hastings. The medium is porcelain, grey moonstone, blue goldstone, pearls, GF, seeds beads.]

The only problem I had was that there was very little seating. I'm not so good at standing around, so was pretty tired by the time I left. Still, it was a great afternoon.

borderlands, emperor norton award, tachyon

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