Bert joins the list of those who've had nightmares.]
When Cuthbert awakes, his first instinct is to grab for his gunbelt, which lies draped across the back of a nearby chair. He has one revolver out and is pointing straight ahead, his arm shaking, when suddenly he stops and looks at the gun in his hand--and something very much like self-loathing crosses his face.
He almost hurls the gun across the room, but settles for re-holstering it and then dropping the gunbelt in a heap beside the bed. Then he drops his head into his hands, resting his elbows on his knees, and sits that way for a very long time, forcing himself to breathe evenly, willing his heart to slow to a normal pace. Finally, without raising his head, he speaks.
"I suppose I asked for that, didn't I?"
It suddenly seems very dark in the room. He doesn't get up to turn on the light.
All boys born to the High Speech must face the dark alone.