Title: Animal Assisted
Pairing: Ben/Jack
Word Count: 1048
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Though S6
Summary: I know you. I know you, but I've never seen you before in my life! Ben and Jack meet in the sideways.
Author's Notes: I may make this into a series if there's any interest. Not an Easter fic, but...
Ben straightened a blue smock with Pet Therapy Volunteer embroidered on the front pocket, and made sure the sides were tied like they were supposed to be. He wasn't normally this careful with what he wore, but Ben had learned never to underestimate the paranoia of parents through years of experience, and things like the 'reptile incident' put him further on guard.
Sure, asking a little boy 'Would you like to see my snake?' could be interpreted the wrong way, but you'd have thought the 8 ft. long albino python looped around the man asking might have been a clue that his colleague wasn't a pedophile. The subsequent beating and lawsuit said otherwise, however, so now you wore the smock or else.
“Are you ready, Marguerite?”
The enormous fawn colored rabbit twitched her ears in what Ben considered agreement, and he stroked the fur on her back as he adjusted her harness. They made their way towards the pediatric ward, to the bemused stares of patients and staff. Marguerite was of the Flemish Giant breed, and Ben always relished the startled moment when whoever was looking realized it wasn't a dog that he had on the end of his leash.
Ben was sad he couldn't keep her at home anymore since the rabbit dander interfered with Roger's oxygen treatments, but he had to admit that he really did enjoy showing off Marguerite like this, and Ben would never have thought of volunteering at the hospital if it wasn't required so that the pet therapy program would house Marguerite.
They rounded a corner and were nearly flattened by a distracted doctor on a cell phone.
“Ah! Excuse...” Their eyes met and the man stopped mid-apology.
Ben felt it too, the strongest moment of deja vu he'd ever had. I know you. I know you, but I've never seen you before in my life!, he wanted to say, but his jaw refused to cooperate.
“I...I'm Dr. Jack Shephard, and I don't think we've met?” Jack didn't seem sure whether he was asking Ben or himself as he managed to fumble his phone into a pocket.
“I don't...no. I'm Benjamin Linus. Dr. Linus, it's not a medical degree but...” Ben felt his IQ dropping with every word, and he was relieved when Marguerite tried to hop forward so he had an excuse to bend over and pick her up.
“You're one of the volunteers?” Jack asked, as if he didn't see the stupid smock Ben was wearing.
Ben's lips quirked as he glanced down at the writing on it, and he petted Marguerite without comment as Jack's face flushed.
Jack ran a hand through his hair, and looked startled as he glanced at his watch. “Right. I'm a surgeon here and I really need to be on the other side of the hospital about ten minutes ago. Anyway, sorry for running into you. I guess I'll let you get back to what you were doing.”
Ben smiled. “It's alright. See you around, Jack.”
They went their separate ways, Ben making his usual rounds with Marguerite, all the time thinking he should have done or said something more to Jack. St. Sebastian's was a big hospital, and there wasn't any guarantee that Ben would see him again anytime soon.
At least that's what Ben expected. He was carrying Marguerite out to his car when he noticed Jack leaning against the building. Ben was debating whether to go speak to him when he caught a glimpse of Jack's face-red and streaked with tears. He wasn't sure that Jack would welcome the intrusion of some guy he'd just met, but Ben had to try.
“Jack? I'd ask if everything is alright but it obviously isn't. Here, have a rabbit.”
Jack stood dumbfounded, arms full of bunny. “I...don't think this is how pet therapy's supposed to work.”
Ben thought he looked more surprised than upset now. “Can't argue with results, Dr. Shephard.” Ben would have to tread carefully here. “Continuing in that same vein, I've seen the effect, but what about the cause? The last time I saw you, Jack, you were in a hurry but otherwise fine. What happened between then and now to bring you out here like this?”
Jack shifted Marguerite from arm to arm trying to find a comfortable position. “Well, you've probably heard of airlines losing luggage before, but what about the bodies of family members?”
“That's...new.” Ben wondered if he looked as horrified as he sounded.
“I got a call earlier that they'd finally found my father's body, and they'd call back with details. Turns out, it was another different lost corpse! How...! I mean wouldn't you be sure before you called?! I just...” Jack gave a short hopeless laugh, then closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He stroked the rabbit absently, seeming to calm, and Ben tried not to feel too pleased with himself.
“If I've got my gossip right most of the nurses think I dumped his body in the ocean on the way back from Australia, and I'm starting to wish they were right. At least I'd know what happened and it would be over.”
Ben reached over and squeezed Jack's arm. There wasn't anything he could do except offer a little comfort and sympathy. “If there isn't someplace you need to be...” Ben swallowed nervously. “Usually after I'm done for the day, there's a place I go to. Nothing fancy, it allows pets, and is probably not the best for you calorie wise. I think you might like it.” Ben's hands were sweating, and he fought the urge to draw back and rub them on his pants.
“Are you asking me on a date?”
“N-Not if you don't want it to be. I don't expect-”Anything, ever. Ben's romantic prospects were even sadder than his chances of career advancement. “-you to do something that makes you uncomfortable. But wouldn't you like to get out of here?”
There was a long moment where Ben expected to be told to take Marguerite and leave. Jack licked his lips, then looked over at the hospital, then at the rabbit, and finally at Ben. “Benjamin? Let's go.”
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