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where is the sea? Basic Profile
Name: April
Nickname(s): Apri
Age: 16
Zodiac sign(s): Aries, Sheep
Strengths: I am an energetic, upbeat, carefree, and honest person. I follow the rhythm of my own heartbeat and it doesn't matter to me if others see me as eccentric or weird. I'm proud of the person I am and hope to become somone even better. I'm loyal and thoughtful to my friends. I'm known to be a creative person and truth is, I do love to explore all the creative sides in me. (Even if I fail miserably~) I like to celebrate happiness... so if a friend wins a award or accomplishes a goal... I cheer and get really happy for them. Or if I'm the one who did something good, I cheer and applaud myself. xD
Weaknesses: I'm a tad bossy and spoiled. I tend to defeat myself when I become unsure of something. I also have a problem of procrastinating and saving things until the last minute. I don't like to talk about my personal problems and I usually keep them to myself since I usually believe I can solve them on my own (thank god for Livejournal). I sometimes overexaggerate a situation, but then I drop it the next minute. Oh, and I can get very shy around people with "authority". Sometimes shy enough to drag a friend with me just to approach them. Finally, when I'm upset or sad, depending on the situation... I tend to distance myself away and put myself out of activities OR act cold and snarky.
Likes: figure ice skating, graphic design, skies, fairytales, reading, playing in the park at night, spreading hands out to feel the wind, writing poetry, being creative, music, animals, stars, dreaming, making cell phone charms and other pretties, shopping, fashion, being with friends, having fun, video games, my oboe, mermaids, Europe, artistic things, books, tea parties, dancing when no one is alone, and singing songs I can't remember.
Dislikes: animal cruelty, genocides, practicing piano, politics, grasshoppers, swimming, thieves, cigarettes, volleyball, annoying people, too literal people, mathematics, stress, drowning, children etc.
Hobbies/Talents: Graphic design, figure ice skating, writing poetry, photography and I can play the piano and oboe okay. :P
Dreams or Goals: I want to become a more generous, open, kinder person. I also hope that I will get a nice job so I can save up some money to one day open a line of bakeries. Take that Starbucks.
Color: Beige... it's a sweet and warm color. My other favorites are silver, midnight blue, dark wine red, and aqua candy blue.
Food: I'm really fond of cute little tasty desserts. I admit I eat with my eyes. I also LOVE vanilla soymilk. ♥
Animal: Rabbits... but I have an inner cat in me.
Season: Autumn. I love the way the color of the leaves look against the grey Autumn skies~ nature seems much more beautiful around that time of year.
Environment or Place: That sort of depends. In general, I like to be somewhere where I have sense of freedom, but at the same time comforting. Weather-wise, I love it when the sun is nice and there is a warm breeze in the air.
Least Favorites
Color: I don't have a least favorite color... but I usually don't touch dark forest greens or shades of oranges.
Food: Hmmmm... Capri Sun?
Animal: Grasshoppers gross me out.
Season: Winter. Instead of snow, it rains like crazy where I live. Sometimes the rain can be relaxing, but I don't like being near the mushy mud. Ants also come out of unusual places.
Environment or Place: I don't like a place that is extremely crowded and "dirty".
This or That
Optimistic or Pessimistic: I'm a pessimist who calls herself an optimist. xD
Outgoing or Shy: I'm not a extremely outgoing person, but I can talk to people. At least for a brief time. As I said before, there are certain people I can be very shy around... that I have to take a friend with me.
Mature or Immature: Mature. I can act like a child, but I'm not childish.
Leader or Follower: Leader. I don't like being a follower. I try my hardest not to follow the crowd.
Impuslive or Cautious: More impuslive, but I can be cautious. It really depends on the situation.
Related Questions
Who is your favorite KEY character and why?: Yumemi Hoshino a.k.a Reverie Planetarian (from Planetarian). At first I found her rambling to be rather annoying, but I grew to love her. Even though she is a robot, she is the only one in the game with a "true human heart". I love her for seeing beauty in simple things, generosity, and love for the world. My other favorite characters are Minagi (AIR), Misuzu (AIR), Nayuki (KANON), and Shiori (KANON). I haven't really figured out my favorite character in CLANNAD yet. ^^;
If you were granted with one wish, what will you wish for?: To make the world a more magical and beautiful place~ I think we all need it.
You realize that you will die in the next 24 hours, what will you do during your remaining time?: Go on a nature walk with my family and talk about normal things. Maybe call some friends up to see how it is going. I don't exactly know... my answer to this question always changes. xD But for sure, I hope to visit a field of flowers and then end the day with star gazing.
What do your friends and family mean to you?: Haha~ my friends and family help make my life more interesting everyday. Sometimes we love each other and sometimes we hate each other. They have taught me so many things (bad and good xD) in life... such as to be myself and have fun with life.
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