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Oct 23, 2010 12:23

[Roxas is walking through the hallways with his golem just in front of him. His head is down as if unconsciously walking until he pauses and a hand grabs into the material over his chest. When he finally looks up, his gaze is an icy glare with tears slipping down his face.]

No one is really going to stay with me, are they? I get it now...

[He roughly rubs at his eyes as if Beatrice is trying to make Roxas stop crying, but the tears just keep coming.]

Fine! ...Fine...If everyone's going to leave me- [Hands dropping into fists at his sides, Oblivion and Oathkeeper materialize in a flash of light.]

...Then I'll just have to make everyone stay.

[[ooc: Guess who's wandering the halls and looking dangerous? Yup, Roxas/Beatrice is~ And, even though Beatrice has possessed Roxas' body, a lot of this is internal stuff coming out through her. Yes, you can try talking him out of it, but all [Action] threads will lead to Roxas attacking. So if you don't want your muse hurt, I'd suggest stay to Video/Audio and keep out of sight.]]

ooc: possessed

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