Brrrr it's cold

Dec 22, 2005 00:31

Well, hello everyone. I know it's been a long time since I've last updated. I really haven't had no reason to update because not much happens in my life that is exciting. It really is cold outside and hopefully we will have a White holiday season. Ho, Ho, HO! Well, I already got my wish for Christmas: All the fools that voted for Bush are finally starting to see what the rest of us have known all along... HE IS AN IDIOT who has ruined this country, and he is well on his way to ruining some other nations as well. And to think, he's in office because some people were afraid of gay marriage. Gay marriage doesn't cost people their job's or their live's. Well, you voted for him so you clean up the mess. Merry freakin' Christmas, Republicans!!!! Well since I got that off my chest let me tell ya about my grades I passed everything and I am very happy about that. I made 2 a's, 2 b's, and 1 c. I really hope that everyone enjoys the wonderful holiday season that is quickly approaching us. Remember it's not about the gifts, it's about the miracle. I would also like to say congrats to the Appy Dawgs boys basketball team as they defeated Rye Cove 45-43 lastnight in a very good game. If ya missed it then you're just outta luck. It was great. Well, I will be at David's Tabernacle 314 W. Main Street Appalachia on Saturday morning if you all would like to come be with us we'd like that. Well, if I don't see you all I would like to wish you all Happy Holidays and a very happy new year. I'm ready to go back to college because sitting home and watching tv and being bored is no fun at all. This town sucks and I don't care what people on big stone gap say. They are just mad cause I got the guts to stand up and use my real now and how I feel about this crummy town, and yet they have done moved off and still say it's great. Lol these people have been gone for years how do they know what's going on down here? It's prolly still the same stupid town it was when they left. NOTHING ever happens here and it's boring as all get out. Well, I think that I have only 8 classes left at MECC thank you Jesus. 4 this semester and 4 in the summer and then I AM DONE :) Oh I can not wait. The pain and agony of that place is just aweful. I've been there since Fall '03 and I'm just ready to run away from there and never go back. I really have met some amazing friends but they no longer are there :( Well, I guess I'll end this for now. Happy Hanukkah to all my wonderful friends. Shalom from your jewish pal Jay
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