Jan 01, 2004 23:22
Here I am, its 11:08 pm 1/1/04. Almost 30, as of the 22nd, I'll be officially old. Me and the other Jason are planning on moving to the Ocala area soon, looking for a job at Cingular. I am not happy. I cannot just say its just one thing, its the sexual flustration,its my job which I hate,it's the fact my mom lives here and the fact I am always worrying about money. Never seems to be enough. We don go without but Lord, my worrying kills mea dn I am sure it isnt pleasant for anyone else I bet.
I look forward to moving up there, away from town to the woods where it is quiet and peaceful. I haven't truly known peace in many years, I wish I knew how be happy now without all the work that goes into it. I am trying so hard to make a go of my relationship with Jason..I really am. It's so hard I don't know if I'll make it through another month. I loathe going to work everyday...nothing new to most people I am sure. It's not as bad as I think it is at this time of night, late at night like this my mind doesn't shut down, it constantly goes and goes on and on. All I can do is take one day at a time and do my best. 30!!!! I might as well go to bed at 11am after Matlock is over. I don't have much to my name, but thats all about to change soon, very soon.