(no subject)

Jul 10, 2005 22:33

As always, i havent updated in forever.  things are pretty content, nothin too exciting.

Everyone is changing....I look at us when we were in 9th grade and now...It is amazing and scary.

The thought of us being Seniors...WOW .  I have been at Lakes forever and only one more year and I will never return to the place I have come to 180 days a year since Kindergarten.  The people I have known all of my life and come back to every year will be gone.  Walking the halls of Our Lady of the Lakes will be no more, most we will never see again.  Our four years is almost over....

Work's been alright, everyone should come and visit me on Weds and Thurs between 5-9.  I only get paid $6 and I do the more work than some paid more than me.  They get more bc they have been there longer and it sucks.  I hope they move me up to Circulation soon.

This is the last summer we will have before returning to Lakes.  Every summer I make an empty promise to myself.  I tell myself that I am goin to change for the better and shock everyone, this is my last chance, and most likely isnt goin to happen.  O well....

Summer's already half way over, I feel like I have done nothing.  But I cant think of a single day I wasnt busy doing something.  Trying to work more, hanging out with friends, vacation, reading those books for school which I havent actually started yet (have them but havent picked them up since I got them from the library)

This is the longest entry  I have ever written.
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