Oh Canada...

Aug 10, 2008 00:15

Well, no doubt ili_chan has told most of you now, buuuut I thought I might share that we are now officially employed thanks to IEP's help and are going to Canada at the end of this year!

Anyhoo we went for the interviews on Friday, the 8th. Here's what happened:

Well, we had a small reception room, that had information sheets on the tables, and the IEP staff at the tables in the middle and wandering round helping people. To the left side was another room where the interviews were being held.

I had Sunshine Village interview first. I was a bit nervous, but I just kept telling myself just try my best, be casual and happy.. lol.. well be me :P The lady asked a few questions, normal interview questions like "What is your past experience?", "Where have you worked at?",  "What are your interests?" and "What would you do if a situation occurred?". At the end of it she smiled and said it was nice meeting me and good luck. And I walked away going.. 'damn didn't get that job - must talk more about arty stuff and interests for my next interview."

So yes went back to ili a bit disheartened. Then one of the IEP girls came back around and talked to ilona and me and said we could go for the Banff interview together. We were like, "ok!" I mean.. it wasn't like we were going to complain or anything lol!

So we sat down for the Banff lady (I hate to admit it buuut I forget her name -__- I'm so bad! GARGH). We had met her heading up in the lift earlier when we arrived. She was really friendly and just generally awesome. She went through the usual "hellos" but from the beginning she said to us "This will be interesting with your background area" and then mentioned since we were at uni we couldnt make it until December.
She took our resumes and had us watch a video on the Banff Centre (which was really cool, and well edited :P and rocked my socks!!) and then proceeded to discuss the arts centre, and what it had to offer. Then she just told us because of our times the only real job available was Room Attendant/Building Service Worker and asked if we were ok with this. Which we were pretty much willing to do anything lol. She asked us to choose when we wanted to start work in November.

She then proceeded into all the details about working, housing, and all the benefits and so on. Told us there would be lots of opportunity with the Banff Centre for us, and after 500 hours we could move into better jobs that we wanted.

Then it was all over. Ili and I walked away with the brink of excitement coming on. I was kind of dazed out and amazed at how awesome that interview actually was. I mean we practically walked in, and she looked at the resumes and said right so this is the job I can give you, the question is, will you take it? I talked to ili about this as well, and we both swear she was already set before seeing our resume. She must have read it online and just decided before hand she would take us on LOL. If only more interviews were like this. I could work with that XD
So yes, we went to the IEP desk and signed out fate. Dun dun dun.. :P

Anyhoo... details!

We will be leaving around the 12th of November, arrive in Vancouver around the 13th. We hope to spend a week in Vancouver, before catching the plane to Calgary, and training it to Banff. We are to start work on the 21st of November (my dad's birthday) at The Banff Centre.
Go to these sites and see how beautiful it is - and awesome! www.banff.ca and www.banffcentre.ca

Basically its an arts, educational, and conference institute. Has over 400 rooms. And guess what job I have? Cleaning. Well officially its a Room Attendant/Building Service Worker.

The pay is $10 to $11 dollars per hour. 40 hours per week. After 500 hours we can pretty much change to whatever jobs become available and work our way to better opportunities. ^_^

There are benefits though!

*Tickets to concerts/festivals/exhibitions are extremely cheap for us - up to 6 bucks!
*The place we are working at is an arts centre, and apparently really well known too, so hopefully we can get our hands on some awesome opportunities! XD
*Discount gym membership - 13 bucks per month. That includes an awesome swimming pool, and steam room.
*Discount on ski passes.
*CHEAP accommodation. $6 per night. Yeah, really cheap! That's like $42 per week. And $168 per month! So awesome. It's dorm residency style though. Two bedroom place so ili and I shall be roomies ahaha. It'll be interesting. No doubt we'd be wanting time apart afterwards :P  And cos we would be living on site, we would get free wireless internets... so am thinking of buying me a laptop. Can't live without TF2... or catching up with my awesome friends. XD Plus cable. Yeah.. woooot.. I loves it already ahaha.
*I think there was something about a locals card - maybe discounts of local stores?? Or maybe I'm just dreaming :D
*There are HOT SPRINGS in Banff. Natures own jacuzzi man! I'm so going there when I can!
*Skiing.. did I mention that? :P I just hope no-one finds my frozen carcass in the snow...
* Three meals a day are provided - I think it was either discounted or free. Can't quite remember. But it was in there! XD

Plus there is so much I want to do. There is indoor rock climbing. Dog Sled Rides, sleigh rides (oh yeah!), ice skating - on a lake at lake Louise. :P Hiking, and you can go on a tour to track wild animals.. Sounds awesome! Plus just the beauty of the place. And then after a couple of months.. we definitely have to go to Edmonton to the crazy arsed mall they have there.. 800 shops. I think I might have to go with another person though. ili would die! ahaha ^^()
But it has a man made beach and a theme park.. and.. man just to see what is there lol. Sounds so cool. Plus in may there is an anime convention called Otafest in Calgary. I so want to go!

Hmm and just the idea of living in another country. It's going to be an awesome experience. Plus skiiing.. :D and my first winter. As long as I don't die from the cold - keep rugged up with like.. 10 skivvies and a HUGE coat I might survive! XD

We are still determining whether to buy flexible return tickets, or buy tickets home in Canada a month or two before we finish.

So still a few things to fix out, like hostel accommodation in Vancouver for the week, and contacts for arranging Hawaii hostelling on our way back... travel/work insurance and.. oh yeah! The flights :P

The only downside to this all is that all our many projects need to be done by the end of October. Plus I have to go through crap for moving completely out of my house and moving a tiny bit of it with my parents to Brisbane in the spare room there. The rest in storage. Joy.

But still. Canada!! GARGH XD I'm so excited!

iep, employment, canada

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