I like toast :)

Sep 26, 2004 12:04

So the Arches on Friday was fucking amazing! Dave Clarke was sooooooo good, loved all the wee effects and scratchin he was doin. Got to have a fleein catch up with Kim which was very nice. Afterwards, we came up to mine and stayed up n smoked weed n listened to tunes n woke ma wee brother n his pals up. Was a wee shame, they had paper rounds in the morning.

So yesterday was feelin a bit dazed n shit. Also was horrified to discover the wee shit let all his pals drink the house dry of juice. We got in from the Arches to find nothing in the fridge, when I left there had bee two 2 litre bottles of coke and about 8 cans! Wee stoned fuckin monkeys.

So after going to Tesco and spending about 40 squid (ouch!) on munchies and juice and general crap everyone (nearly) came up here and had a wee drink n smoke of some pollem. I was starting to feel terribly sober so battered into a big drink of my mum's Bailey's, then Tom gave me vodka which Alan had swapped him for beer on the one condition that I would have some with him. Spirits are quite deadly. Got to have some nice chats and lots of hugs with Alan, which I do miss. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I need to get my act together and go visit more often. Was so good to see Tom too, he's so funny and it was great to get Ute, Doyle and Shelly up at the same time cause they hadn't hung out together in ages. Only problem with havin a gathering in your house is that every 10 minutes someone wants you for something, whether it's to ask where the towels are cause summat got spilled, or ask summat bout ma dog, or ask for the phone to call a taxi. So I'm sorry I didn't get to chat to everyone equally.

So fuck knows what I'll be doing today, feel like watching lots of films in ma bed. Then I'll have to tidy this place up, looks like such a tip. Ach well at least it's not as bad as my massive party 2 Christmases ago, that was fucking deadly.

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