Apr 28, 2004 08:00
Update: Nightmare:
john travolta was my best friend....and I hadn't seen him in a long time...but one of our good friends was murdered so he came home for the funeral when we came back he was acting normal at first... and then he started drinking...john travolta despite popular belief is not straight edge nor does he fly planes....but he murders your best friend....so while he was drinking he started playing with his knives...he likes knives he has lots of them....that's when I found some evidence that he was the killer and I brought it to his attention.....he started cutting himself and saying that I'm the one who killed our friend and he wrestled me to the ground and tried to stab me....so I got up out of his grasp and ran downstairs....that's when he threw knives at me and they were sticking in the wall when he missed......i got really upset and ran back up the steps pushed over john travolta and punched him in the face until his face was completely blue.....then I woke up....scary....
BAND....yesterday we had practice it didn't go to hot....nothing we were coming up with was working....i'm going to listen to a lot of metal...children of bodom...until next practice and maybe I will be urged to write some crazy metal noodles....I need a new triumph pedal....
SCHOOL.....i'm sooooooo happy..... a class that I thought i was failing....I totally have a 'B' in....that's exciting.....but i still have a lot of work to do...
that's it for now....I need to shower...and maybe eat...if this tummy ache ever goes away...